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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Jenny Smedley

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Everything posted by Jenny Smedley

  1. This is what the Scottish ones say you should do. *If you have received a penalty charge notice (PCN) for driving in a LEZ and you believe that your vehicle is LEZ compliant then the local authority that issued the PCN will conduct a review of the vehicle compliance status with the DVLA as part of the appeals process. To do this, please contact the relevant local authority using the process for appeal described in the PCN. If you have not received a PCN and you think the result from this vehicle checker is incorrect, please email us at lowemissionzonesenquiries@gov.scot including the name and address of the registered keeper along with the vehicle make, model, colour and vehicle registration number (number plate). If the vehicle registration number has changed in the past five years then the result from this vehicle checker may not be correct. If you believe that the result is incorrect for this reason then please email us with the registered keeper and vehicle details as described above. The data accuracy of this service is always improving. We recommend that you re-check the compliance status of your vehicle shortly before you intend to drive in any LEZ.
  2. Probably not it, but last time we had a service the mechanic found a piece of paper in our air filter in the people heater/air access. Stopped our noise immediately, and it was odd like yours and was a rattling/ticking sort of noise. Worth a look?
  3. Or... Alphard Body Parts Dismantling for sale | eBay
  4. Shopping Cart (gt4-play.co.uk) These people are excellent for most parts.
  5. We were with Churchill but after a year they said they weren't doing imports anymore. Maybe they've changed back now? But Aviva was our cheapest as it happens. Don't listen to garages who say they can't fix the car because parts have to be imported. Show them these people if they do, because we got our original Japanese parts within 2 days. Shopping Cart (gt4-play.co.uk) Our local garage is now more than happy to help.
  6. Shopping Cart (gt4-play.co.uk) Best place I've found. You can chat to them easily, really helpful. Genuine parts and compatible.
  7. LOL we did ours a couple of days ago, and yes algae brush was out.
  8. We use Aviva and we pay well under than 400 for our 2007.
  9. How annoying! This is one of my fears - every time I leave mine in a carpark or someone drives carelessly near me. I really, really don't ever want to lose my Alphie! I really hope you get it fixed! Just a thought - there is a garage near us that specialises in converting Alphards (Andy's Imports, Dereham, Norfolk) and he I assume must take the tailgates off. If he does he might have parts. Andy's Imports (andysimports.co.uk)
  10. If you get the right part most garages will do it for labour cost. https://gt4-play.co.uk/shop/ Try these for part.
  11. https://gt4-play.co.uk/shop/
  12. Got mine here: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gt4-play.co.uk%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1mmB5L_RtUOp2oJfnFGAJ2U_XyHP7bgqPz7nMsA-GJxI3Kyr-Uq1JInDM&h=AT0Ak1_4lixmXlIU4Qk2mZ07Ex5qC1zQdfmzkCA-tRNcmzlNjXI3niIHf3Khps6C6-ePcBr9_S65yMLNxM3XZydgWklOjsFwp-Mfz7CfCGUXcDvf1djo-Jtsfima8desDN4 They are very helpful too! enquiries@gt4-play.co.uk
  13. I would add our ones have the Toyota stickers on them. The ebay ones just say they fit Alphards.
  14. Ah thanks, too late now as I have them. I will make a note though.
  15. Rear Beam Bushes (gt4-play.co.uk) These people carry the genuine Toyota parts and also the cheaper variety.
  16. Can anyone direct me to where to buy these parts - I've seen them on ebay but it's complicated (to me!)
  17. Feel a bit of an idiot now - reading it all through again - we realised that what we thought was a lock for windows, was a lock/unlock for doors. Thanks guys. However our smart key still doesn't get the tailgate to open itself, which we think it should do. It unlocks it, beeps once and that's it.
  18. Will try that - thought it was for a window!
  19. Realised now that we need to hold the tailgate button for 5 seconds. Will try it again.
  20. Hi, we have this one. Now that we changed the battery it works to unlock the doors and tailgate, but the one with the tailgate symbol doesn't seem to do anything except beep. Is it meant to make the tailgate open?
  21. Ours does actually.
  22. Thanks, We don't have a moonroof, the clock did need re-setting. We already found a hack on how to re-start the radio if you don't have a password, which worked beautifully. And yes one station is all we need now that we can play CDs. So, you can charge without disconnecting - to make sure I have it right. That's great thanks. Good idea to keep a spare. As for the door locks - the remote button never worked since we had the car. But it could be it needed re-setting ever since it came off the boat - how to we re-set it, do you know? Anomaly may have been the wrong word, but it still needs re-setting whatever you call it.
  23. Thank you M'am. 😏 We have the remote buttons and the extra fob with same symbols on, but we can't get any of those to work. They just beep.
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