Thank you again. I'll start from the beginning. When we turn on the ignition the screen momentarily appears with a Logo on it, then it quickly changes to be as in the photos. It appears to be open on a Japanese keyboard. There is no talking lady and no beeping. A few keys work, like the third from the left at the bottom which changes the keyboard characters to English (but that's only temporary.) Writing appears in the top bar which appears to say 'What is your pet's name?' in Japanese. I can then type in the box in English. The people who say they can give you the password, normally ask you to press a button on the right, just below MENU and while holding it switch the side lights on off on off on off, at which point a number should appear in the box. That number can then be translated into the unlocking password. When we do that nothing whatsoever happens.
Yes the dealer was upfront and told us the 'radio' would be all in Japanese and wouldn't be much good to us. We accepted that thinking we could make do with it or get it changed. We can't get it to open and show the CD slot, which would be half way to what we want, or display any radio frequencies. We're not interested in the navigation system itself. And we can't (so far) get anyone who can change the unit for an English one - just a stereo/CD player would do. Hope that helps!
We have the manual which is of course in Japanese. Someone has scribbled what could be a password in it, but the translator has trouble with it. It appears to be Runa Awaku, which means pale moon. I haven't had a chance to try it yet - but of course I can't write it in Japanese except by copying scribble, which won't be easy, or in English which probably won't work.