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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Jenny Smedley

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Everything posted by Jenny Smedley

  1. Thank you, yes it's there but Halfords wouldn't even take the old radio HDD thing out.
  2. Thanks, we found where the aerial is, but Halfords took one look at the screen and said they couldn't do it.
  3. We've given in and gone for a single din DAB radio with CD player, plus blue tooth etc. Got it booked in to be fitted at Halfords next week. Then my hubby says, what about an aerial - there isn't one? Is there? If so, where? I believe the DAB radio comes with a DAB aerial, but is that enough?
  4. Thank you everyone for your help!!
  5. Yes very interesting about the trims! We've decided to give up, getting a new radio at Halfords next week.
  6. I will have a look and see if he does these ones!
  7. His one is different to ours sadly.
  8. It's not an mz as the fog lights on the front are round. It is a V
  9. Yes we tried pressing the open button, it just continues to ask for our pet's name
  10. Will try that thank you. We've tried one - followed all the instructions - nothing happened. Another one says press the 'main' button, don't know what they mean.
  11. To be honest it's no better than the one we have. It says it needs to be reset to English, not that it has) If we can get a pass code to get round the password (we've been able to translate that it is asking for a pet name) we can change the screen to English, as we've done that already (we used image translation on Google to find the button that says 'English' it's third from the left at the bottom), but it's still asking for a password.
  12. Sorry I don't know what an MZ is...? I will have a look at those features you mentioned. The car front is pictured here.
  13. Oh, well that's interesting...someone else mentioned the screen opening, as at the moment there's no sign of a CD slot. Yes, that is the right number 76032. Someone else claims they can tell us how to avoid the password. So we'll see. The Toyota dealers have offered to have a look, for a price, and plug their computer in to try and override the password, but we're wary of the electrics getting messed up by them.
  14. Well you've both been very helpful in fact. It seems like whatever it is, it's not much use to us - we're CD and local radio type of people. We have a plug in GPS which we hardly use so don't really need that. I was told it was a Toyota radio, but they're not much help either. We don't have a VTR I don't think. We're thinking go to Halfords and have something new put in. We have the drop down TV/DVD screen in the roof, so we might lose that I guess, but if we can't use it anyway. The start up screen says Multi Media something, and then quickly switches to the one pictured. With a little help from Google image translate we can see it's asking for a password, and saying 'What is your pet's name?' There is a button that switches the keyboard to English alphabet, but the pet's name would presumably have to be inserted in Japanese to work. A friend said: (76032). This appears to be the unlock screen for Toyota Radios. This video shows someone unlocking it: But I couldn't really follow. This is another photo of ours.
  15. Can anyone help with telling us whether this is a radio or GPS or both?
  16. Managed to get them to swivel
  17. Going to see if the screen opens and flattens - the one we have is like a keyboard on the screen but in Japanese characters.
  18. Got the seats to swivel thank you! We just got the English handbook so hoping that will help open the radio! Now having issue with back seat - just one seems stuck and won't go towards the back - lever seems to operate but seat won't move - the other one's fine. Any tips?
  19. Ours is £209 from Churchill.
  20. Got our Alphard 2 days ago. Absolutely LOVE it! Our dealer advised we didn't bother with the Japanese radio but get a new one? Any opinions on this? Mostly we play CDs. The Alphard radio doesn't seem to have one, although there is an 'Open' button. Also, our other big thing is wanting the swivel seats - is there a good video to show you how it's done? Most videos are so bad you can't see whats's happening, some seem to not use any handles but just twist (quite violently) any help gratefully accepted!
  21. Swivel seats are in most 2007 models. Don't see how those would fit, but don't have knowledge of what 'gubbins' you need in the running rail.
  22. Hi everyone, we got our 2007 7 seater Alphard on Sunday 3rd October. Awaiting the English version of the manual so that we can make sense of everything!
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