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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

New Girl

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Everything posted by New Girl

  1. I am a complete idiot when it comes to doing this. Really not sure what to do ??
  2. Hiya Just a thought does anyone want or knows of anyone who wants to buy her ? I NEED to sell my beautiful girl. It is advertised in the Autotrader. I have just reduced the price to £6500. It has done dead on 81000.I live in St Leonards on Sea East Sussex. Sorry to use this Forum in this way but I desperatl need to sell. Thank you
  3. My local garage is happy to service mine. Have done for the past two years.As they pointed out it is very similar to a Camry
  4. My sincere apoligies everyone the heat OBVIOUSLY got to me 🤪
  5. Good morning Roger think the heat might have got to you,Patricia said that current Alphard had been wriiten off !!
  6. Love that. Large Tesco stores usually have someone there doing it. If not send it to me and I can get it done at my local Tesco. Plus I lived in New Zealand for a while. When I went out in 1985 there were ONLY Holden's. Then some bright spark got onto the Japanese having to replace their cars, suddenly every other home owned a Japenes Import. That was why I had qualms about buying one here.
  7. Love your comment Rojie. Have tried to use it to see the kerb but your really need 20-20 vision or get very good glasses !! Sal
  8. Thanks so much yes I thought they must have been the towing eye but then wondered why there were two
  9. Hiya Thanks for that have just looked I have a small square on both sides ?? It this where you mean ?? any chance of a photo. Couldn't open it as didn't want to force incase it's not what I am looking for.
  10. Many thanks for that will check it out 👍
  11. Thank you for that Are they reasonably easy to remove ?
  12. Hiya has anyone found a radio that I can replace the origional one with that actually fits in the space ? I am running the origional one with a band width expander but it's pretty useless. I have a 2008 Alphard V
  13. Hi I agree with Rojie.Just a very gentle touch to the accelerator is all you need to do.This obviously applies only when you have to stop for a short time ie traffic lights. Good luck you will love your new Alphard
  14. Hi anyone out there. Have just purchased a four wheel drive 2008 Alphard.Previously owned a two wheel drive.I am finidng the ride very different it feels like I'm in a rocking chair or a fair ride, especially going over bumps. Have had tyres,supension checked all OK any suggestions as it really feels that if I braked hard the whole body would leave the wheels !! Thanks
  15. Hi yes that's all, as I'm using it as a day van rather than a camper everything else will be gas
  16. Do I need one just tor un a small cool box
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