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  • Name: Abdul
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Hybrid (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Thank you sooo much for the info. It certainly has given me a better understanding. Furthermore, can you geniuses advise me further please.... Considering this light only ever appeared ONCE and perhaps because I had my foot down fully for considerable time, would this mean the damage has occurred and I should change the pump? Also if possible where exactly am I looking for the coolant? Please provide actual photos (if possible) Either way thank you for the insight.
  2. Hi Excellent idea, long overdue really! A must for lovers of Alphard no doubt. See you there fellas
  3. I was over the moon to see my car back after 2 days with new HV batteries. I thought to myself, I need to go and explore the whole coastline of Britain, I deserve it BUT this dream was short lived! I drove for 10 miles without any issue, then the RED CAR WITH EXCLAMATION light returned..AHHHHHHH! Back at the Hybrid specialist, they hooked it up for diagnostics and lo behold an Error code, they cleared it, but it generated another Error code and another 😳. Perhaps now you can empathise with me🥺, I really need to find a Hybrid mechanic who is passionate about these car's. Everybody🙏 please give this matter your undivided attention. Thanking you in advance Q
  4. But since I'm not an expert, I reluctantly agreed to have them replaced at a cost of a small fortune (£1500), after all you can't argue with a diagnosis or can you?!
  5. Apparently my HV battery were the issue, I wasn't entirely convinced as they use to charge fully on long runs
  6. At the Hybrid specialist there diagnostic was bit more detailed
  7. Hi Rojie, Thanks for warm welcome. Well here's my story so far... My 2006 Hybrid Alphard was faultless for 7 months. Then whilst driving, on the dashboard 3 warning lights appeared, RED CAR WITH EXCLAMATION, Amber brake system and VSC. This resulted in my car behaving very peculiar I.e engine would stop whilst driving! Or would not start altogether. Also there was no regeneration of HV battery when the did start intermittently. Apparently this is a common issue, so as advised I checked tyre pressure, fuel cap etc but no joy. The AA did diagnostics but with limited info. They did recover me to local Hybrid "specialist" that opened up another chapter! Will keep you posted shortly.......
  8. Hi My local mechanics are lost with my hybrid alphard, please help
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