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Everything posted by Ramsay

  1. Hello again, the condensate drain runs down the passenger side of the centre consul. It is part 38539 here http://www.catcar.info/toyota/?lang=en&l=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 Wow what a link. Anyway the sloshing noise wasn't from the Aircon but from a badly fitted visor in front of the camper roof which had filled with water. Sounded like it came from the dash so beware. Drilled a hole all good now.
  2. Thanks Rojie.
  3. Afternoon, does anyone know where the condensate drain is for the ac unit. I've got the sloshing water when turning a corner. Thanks in advance.
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