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Voodoo101 last won the day on February 18

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  • Name: Craig
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Vellfire 240 (08-15)
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  1. Maybe somebody that works there is called Tanya and thats why. (its ok, i have your back lol)
  2. I would get a bluetooth ODB II scaner and the free car scanner app. A lot less the £400. Run the app and driver the car with it connected. See what speed it reads. If it reads different to the speedo then you know its the speedo, if not then you know its the speed sensor. At least then you can also read all the ECU fault codes which will point you in the right direction Also why would a service help the problem, like and oil and filter change will fix a sensor. It sounds like the garage you are using has seen you as an easy payday. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235954066700?_skw=veepeak+obd&itmmeta=01JM3238C57G9003MPE66D2Q48&hash=item36eff5550c:g:iKIAAOSwm4Jnq4N4&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAA0FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1fffK0W76y%2BQc55vsiKQACTPm3k8wQl1svxC4C2sJMf7UuNRgWa5X0Q1YqK7DExYHiflToEUnjBUbBt0QKdP09AWOYtFylmKQ%2BMNkzNNc2B8lGvSAYftoDm%2BhsiFajG%2FXMUq39ESK%2FINijBmdDfohaO6S%2BsOr5IpR88HK6SyA0oGuXFXgrKX2LlQKhJuOLaZBovFxa75W1GKUutbRWtkVZ5y8d%2FUejpDzUpLCGlDwR2ZkoFchexM68e9B5gk4GdamU%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5qGjeKgZQ
  3. Hi I looked into getting Canbus information to the head unit but there is no signal in the wiring behind it. It looks in your photo that you are taking it from behind the dashboard which makes sense as all the data is shown on the dash. I think you can also get it from the ODB socket, in fact I bought a cable a long time ago from AliExpress that came with an ODB plug. I never tried it
  4. That was my thought. I thought about getting some UK replacements from another car but its the cutting holes in the bumper making them fit.
  5. So I am one of the many people who had a reversing light changed to a fog light, with a cheap switch drilled into the dash. Its always really annoyed me. Then I saw a post on here with a video installing a new stalk with rear fog light switch, dashboard light working and wiring a new light in replacement to the reflectors at the bottom of the bumber. A post asking where to get to stalk came from a kind answer from a member called Gamath, taking me to Amayama. As you do, I decided to browse the site looking what other upgrades I could go for and found a Rear Fog lamp assembly for the ANH20 Vellfire. It seams to fit at the top of the bumper where it goes up the tailgate. There is a wealth of knowledge in this group. I wondered if anybody has seen anything like this fitted?
  6. The camera is the original camera. The head unit is an Android head unit. It is connected with an adaptor. I have never had the original head unit. When I got the car it had a Sony Head Unit and the camera was not wired in. Infact it was quite a mess with the cables behind there. If the camera can work better in the dark, i might have a look in the settings and see if I can change something
  7. You are right but when you put it in you have to make sure the holes dont cover the sensor is what I meant. It took me a while to figure out why my lights was on in the day, especially as I had just done electrics lol. The only problem I had was in strong winds with both doors open, but thats to be expected with a the wind flowing through
  8. Where did you get the swalk with the rear foglight switch?
  9. I bought this one. Its looks like real leather and fits perfect. Just make sure it does not slip over the daylight sensor. The quality and fit is great and the price of it is amazing. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004996293742.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.64.35471802n0IeDN
  10. The one with the red is when the brake light is on. the other is the normal view when I reverse
  11. It looks really nice. That was my first choice but the wife wanted white and getting anything but white near me was tough. I also have the velour interior, not a lover of leather especially in summer. The interior is very hard wearing, the only wear I have is the drivers armrest. One more thing to consider is the dashboard. It has a habit of being sticky in summer if it gets direct heat when parked. There are dash covers you can buy, some are felt (stay away from these). I bought one from AliExpress, its like a fake leather and fits perfect. For the price of it, its better then having to fix the dash. There are different options. I just went for the plain black https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004996293742.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.69.1f291802g8vu0v
  12. My parking sensors are great. They can beep and I can still keep going. They are after all just an aid to parking. My gripe with the camera is that at night it becomes useless, because the light from the number plate lights affects it. Its even worse in the rain and as the original importer took one of the reversing lights to make a fog light, its limited anyway
  13. This video is perfect. Now I just need to source a light stalk with the rear fog light switch
  14. They are amazing vehicles. The engines are built like tanks. Its a Gen 2. You havent said the colour but I think the majority I've seen are white. Be careful of the paint. Some of them, including mine suffer from the paint peeling. Its due to the primer being too smooth and is a manufacturing fault. It was a warranty fix but some people did not get it done and it wont be covered now, even is Toyota UK was interested, which they are not. You are in the best place to get any help. The people on here are really knowlegable and helpful. They have helped me a lot
  15. Ive just remembered. I had to replace the fuse for the radio when I changed head units. It was in the engine bay fuse box. I cant remember which one but Im 99% sure its in there
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