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Everything posted by Wisey

  1. Hi, I had a similar problem and decided to remove the chip and reconnect the speedometer to read Kph. I used the power supply to the chip to wire in a USB socket into which I connected a digital GPS speedo, all from Amazon. See the pictures, it works very well and didn’t cost very much.
  2. I purchased this unit from eBay, supplied and fitted by the seller in Reading. Very pleased with it, I use the CarPlay feature most of the time. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126539886322?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=i3ugQjD7R_S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_ba9KNFcTRC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Hi Wozzer, yes, I had the same problem when I had disconnected and reconnected the battery, check out Toyota idle reset on YouTube.
  4. Good evening, I had a similar speedo fault on my 2007 2.4 Alphard and after changing several sensors found the fault to be the retrofit chip fitted to the speedo to convert Kph to Mph and so I reconnected the original wires which gave me Kph speed and Kilometre odometer. I used the power supply to the chip to power a new USB socket and fitted a GPS Mph speedo from Amazon. It works really well, easy to fit and everything cost less than 40quid. Alternatively, you could fit a new chip, a few available from £30 to £90. See the pictures, hope this helps. IMG_2610.mov IMG_2610.mov
  5. My 2007 Alphard has similar wear symptoms at 60k, particularly with the blower control and so I wouldn’t be unduly worried about it.
  6. The tacho didn’t stop working, only the speedo. I found the problem to be the retrofit chip by completely removing it and reconnecting the wires, the speedo then worked perfectly well but in Kph. I decided to leave it that way and used the power supply to the chip to fit a USB socket beside the binnacle and connected a neat little GPS digital speedo on the steering column to read in Mph. Perfect! I can let you have some photos if I knew how to download them (URL?) Hope this helps, Alan
  7. Hi Bob, I can’t help with your overheating issue but I invested in an ANCEL JP700 diagnostic device which works very well for my 2007 2.4 Alphard. I imagine it would also be suitable for a hybrid vehicle. Alan
  8. Being a mechanical engineer that sounds far too technical for me to undertake but I do see your point about the ABS ECU, is this easy/ inexpensive to change? Maybe I should also remove the speedo cluster to see if something has simply come adrift?
  9. I guess so, both located below the battery tray, part number 8941324010.
  10. Speedo not working, update: Changed both speed sensors today but speedo still not working and engine management light still appears after a few seconds and the same fault code, P0500 given. Also, engine idling very slow, almost stalling and gear changing seems a bit erratic but still drivable. Obviously I’ve made the situation worse, any clues as to how or why? I’m still planning to be at Gaydon meeting on Sunday and hopefully get some clues as to why and how to fix from others there. Cheers, Alan
  11. Hi Kristoff, we were at last year's meet and we simply told the ticket sellers on the door that we were with the Alphard group and they reduced the tickets to £10.00.
  12. We have personal plates and always use platesforcars.co.uk Great service lots of styles to choose from and we’ve never been asked for anything to prove ownership.
  13. …..and it would certainly help to find those who have helped out on the forum or with whom you have a common interest.
  14. Just a thought, maybe a good idea for members to put their home town on the windscreen so that we can easily get to know fellow members in our vicinity? Only for those of us who want to of course.
  15. No. it's a 2007 with my wife's registration number fitted. I think we'll head off early doors tomorrow, should be OK and my RAC membership is up to date just in case..... Thanks for your help and I'll get it sorted next week. See you on 2nd July at Gaydon, maybe?
  16. So, I've connected it up and showing "P0500, Vehicle Speed Sensor" which confirms previous theories. Question now is, we're going to Liverpool and back this weekend and whilst I'm not particularly worried about no speedo', will anything else be affected (gear changing?) etc in time?
  17. Hi Geralt, thanks for the information which certainly makes sense. The OBD reader has just arrived and so I'll give it a go and see what it says. Never used one before but I'll give it a go and be in touch again later. Cheers, Alan
  18. Yes, it still records the number of Km’s travelled but the Speedo’ itself doesn’t operate, needle stays at zero MPH.
  19. Thank you Lee, I'll get a couple ordered.
  20. Had a look at the Speedo’ and it seems to have an MPH disc mod rather than a chip, probably why odometer is still in Km’s. Fault could be at the gearbox end?
  21. Thanks Roger, had a look but couldn't find anything specific for an Alphard. I seem to recall something similar on the Forum previously but can't locate it?
  22. Thanks Alex, could be, especially since both faults occurred simultaneously although I wouldn't have initially thought they were connected. Any advice or tutorials on how to expose and fix welcomed.
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