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philip klein

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Everything posted by philip klein

  1. Thank you very much for your imput and advice.I am now sorted.Realy nice to no there are so many helpful people.And yes everything whent well with hospital. Thank you.
  2. Thank you very much fori nfo.Kind regards.
  3. Hi, everyone,take this opp,to wish youall a happy xmas,a d new year.Bave allphy camper van.with leasure batterry.botb batt,flat have been in hospital van standing outsise fkr long while.if i use jump leads will windows ets,work normally .Is there an ything to look out for.Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi,Thanks for imfo.can you give me address and telephone number of this garage.thanks in advance.Phil.
  5. Thanks for that kind regards.Phil.
  6. Hi folks.A y imfo,on were i can have my Alphy undersealed.i live in essex .Hopefully a garage that is exp with Alphards.Thank you in advance for any advice.Phil.
  7. Hi,Lee,and ithought i had problems.Can you not claim from garage Hope this all works out for you.I have orded my Mass,a flow sensor.ffom JAP SPAirs£99.00w loads at £30||£40 this company sounds brill.Really sorry to hear about your probs.hope all ends well.As alwaysthank you kind regards.phil.
  8. HHi,Picasso prt num,89467-58090.This is num under fuel sensor.on side of box is num,44978.reg,EJ02KWZ 2002,R EG.thanks again for your help.really apprceate your help now and in the past.Kind regards.Phil. P.s what we do without you.
  9. Me again would you please now the part number for a new mass air flow sensor for my alphy reg,LK05VEP 2005.Thanks again.Phil
  10. Hi,will try new mas sensor .Many thanks as always.mind regards Phil.
  11. Hi,Picasso prt num,89467-58090.This is num under fuel sensor.on side of box is num,44978.reg,EJ02KWZ 2002,REG.thanks again for your help.
  12. Very sorry i think this warning light is getting better of me.Reg LK05 VEP.
  13. Hi,Picasso prt num,89467-58090.This is num under fuel sensor.on side of box is num,44978.reg,EJ02KWZ 2002,REG.thanks again for your help.
  14. HI,folks me again my alphy 2005,2.4.Had a new o2 sencer.bank one fitted from Toyota.had the mass fuel cleaned.New plugs,etc.Just whent to shops about 6 mile trip.At 5 miles engine light came on.Pulled up at home light was on so plugged in JP 700 it read PO171 FUEL TRIM TO LEAN BANK 1. With engine still running i noticed the light went out.As i messaged yesterday,Alphy is running buitifully.would app,any advice,as always.kind regards phil.
  15. Hi Geralt .Where would i find theGER VALVE.THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP.
  16. hi, me again.2 problems .1 my 2005 alphi.2.4.have been on before about this.You have all been so helpful.a while ago i messaged that problem was oxegen sencer.renewed this with new sencer and coils and new spark plugs.All from Toyota.cost arm and a leg.Alphi running buitiful.After i go on run approx 60 to 80 mls up pops the dreaded light.Turn off egnition,then on again light has gone off.Drive again for 30mls and comes on again .cleared Air flow sencer.put cleaner in petrol tank on advice from members.Must add,i dont think my Alphi could drive any better than it is.My second problem is my wifes Honda Civic..1600 reg,2002.Same thing.Had this car from new,done 80,000 mls 22 years old.Drives great .Woul you beleive red engine warning lightstayes on al the time .Had full service 8 months ago new plugs etc,Plugged in my JP 700.exactly what it says is Pending,P0401.Exaust gas recirculation flow insufficient.Detected.This is the wierd thing.When i plug in my JP 700 into my Honda sivic it will only read out on the Toyota brand not at all on the Honda brand.Above is what it reads out exactly.Once again,thank you all in advance for any help.Kind regards to all.Phil.
  17. Hi, how do i get in touch with Adrian Flux.thank you in advance.Phil.
  18. Thank you very much will do
  19. Hi, Lee.Me again i,m afraid canyou tell me is it difficult to get to maf, so i can clean it.what does it involve.Thanks.
  20. Thank you very mu ch again.I will def buy genuine toyota MAF.Kind regards Phil.-will let you no how pans out.
  21. H,Lee,thanks again for your valuable help.I did buy some M.A.F spray cleaner zo will try a clean.If no joy will certainly buy new.Should i buy Toyota part ,so many on E.Bay.Again thank you for your time and patience.Phil.
  22. Hi,picasso looked at box that sensor came in.is a fuel sensor.trying to send photo.If this is case would cleaning Mass a,f. Be next step.Thank you yet again.Phil.
  23. Hi, picasso does the fuel sensor fit in bank 1, which i thibk is at front of engine,where the oxegen senser is fitted.I no there is a senser under tbe van off the exaust.exuse my ignorense and mt spelling.
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