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  • Name: Chris
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 350 (08-15)
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  1. No worries mate, I think the other one is more of interest as I think it's the motor that closes the last inch into the frame of the van. All good stuff I have only had mine 4 months so I'm just starting out. Cheers.
  2. Hi. I have watched a couple of videos on YouTube one by Jap Nut and one by Cuttothechase both did different items on the door and on one was a link to the little motor spare part. Might be worth a quick view. Mine opens about 14" then gets stuck. So not too bad!
  3. On mine there is a button left side of steering wheel that switches doors to manual. Looks original equipment but I don't know if it's an extra.
  4. Hi. I have same cold weather problems what type of battery is best I have lost faith in mine and would like to buy a new one for my 3.5L petrol. Thank you.
  5. Adrian flux for me too as I needed to insure on the VIN number until I got my DVLA stuff through. Tho I did think it was a bit pricey but it was easy and just the one phonecall.
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