Good morning
my 2004 hybrid alphard has been having intermittent power loss not recognising its battery and failing to start. Two months at the garage found no specific fault but seemed to get it working. After 4.8 miles it failed again, same problem. After several days the garage recovered it as it wouldn’t start! After a few days they got round to looking at it and it started and behaved normally every road test!
I drove it home, all well. Next day tried starting it several times all ok. Next day wouldn’t start same problem.
at that point I noticed the fitted carpet in drivers foot well was soaking wet, the mats above it dry! A day of dehumidifier and heater in car and in the afternoon the car started!
next morning it failed to start. Another day of heating and dehumidifier progressed the drying but a storm and torrential rain brought to my attention a wet patch formed in the carpet around the base of the drivers pilar!
more drying and car started again. Today car starts having overnight drying and keeping roof covered!!
I suspect the leak down the drivers pilar ? Cause may be at the root or the problem of power loss?? Could it be causing a short or current leak that the car detects and shuts down??
Any ideas how to find the leak?
How do I remove the drivers pilar trim to see behind it??
sorry it’s a very long post but grateful for any thoughts and ideas.
thank you everyone. J