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Everything posted by James

  1. Hello my 54 plate 2.4 alphard hybrid has worn axle bushes and ? Bearings (the rubber mounts the axle sits on)?? Sorry but not sure of the correct term but they are all the rubber left oking pieces! please can somebody tell me the proper names and part numbers for my vehicle and if you have any suggestions where to source them it would be appreciated. Thanks. is it a big job to replace them and any ideas of likely costs please? thanks everyone
  2. Hello we had a similar problem a couple of years ago. I found that if I disconnected the battery and waited 15 minutes before reconnecting it would restart and be fine. However the problem would recur, at first very intermittently but then increasingly until it would recur after 10 miles or so. it turned out to be a pump cooling the electrical controls (sorry I don’t know the proper term) which fortunately got identified by my garage before I fried the electrical control system. They replaced the pump and all was well thereafter (until my differential broke a couple of weeks ago)!!
  3. Thank you for all of your suggestions. sorry to hear of your issues Patricia but thanks for sharing your experience as it helps gauge what financial tag might be on the horizon if I were to consider repair!
  4. Thanks Rojie that’s helpful. I spoke to a specialist automatic gearbox shop but they wouldn’t touch it being and import and ‘rare’ and hybrid! Getting trailered back from garage but looks like it will be up for sale for parts / scrap which is a shame as was a great car! I asked if they would do a complete gearbox change if I could source one but they declined as said may need reprogramming afterwards and they didn’t have the equipment to do that!!
  5. Hello everyone I have a 54 plate 2.4 hybrid automatic Alphard that broke down and ended up being recovered to my local garage in Colchester Essex! unfortunately they are unable to fix it as they say the noise is coming from the differential and the gear box will need stripping down. They do not do it and I have been unable to find a workshop that does this work. The local automatic gear box specialist said they do not do diffs. 1. Does anyone know of a place near Colchester that might do this work? 2. has anyone had experience of this problem and is it going to be worth fixing? I love the car and it has been a good runner and is in good condition (or rather was until now)! thanks for any help and suggestions.
  6. Hello I’m not sure if ULEZ is important to you? I have a 54 plate 2.4 hybrid Alphard which isn’t compliant!
  7. Thanks. I had a look on line and found some but wasn’t sure if they would be the same as the other ones hence seeing if there was a specific part number. Thanks again for replying
  8. Please can anyone tell me the part number and where I might source a wind deflector for my 2004 2.4 hybrid near side sliding door. It is tinted. mine unfortunately broke whilst trying to be removed whilst the cable to the sliding door was being fixed. thanks
  9. Yes it’s crazy!
  10. Try Churchill. I have max no claims bonus but was about £323. Direct line wanted £609 up from £380 last year and initially said it was the best they could do. When I went back and told them Churchill quote the closest they could match with all the discounts etc they could suddenly produce was around £480 so I’m now with Churchill for my 2004 8 seater 2.4 hybrid Alphard.
  11. If near Colchester All Trans Auto on Peartree estate have been excellent.
  12. Try Churchill. I have max no claims bonus but was about £323. Direct line wanted £609 up from £380 last year and initially said it was the best they could do. When I went back and told them Churchill quote the closest they could match with all the discounts etc they could suddenly produce was around £480 so I’m now with Churchill for my 2004 8 seater 2.4 hybrid Alphard.
  13. All strand Autos in Colchester have been fantastic at looking after my Alphard for a variety of issues although I haven’t had a timing chain done. They are very helpful and reasonable. Sorry I don’t have the number to hand but they are in Moss Road Colchester.
  14. Hello i am out on a road trip and all my electric doors have suddenly stopped working ( sides and tail)! I assume it’s the fuse. Does anyone know where I would find it and does it run anything else?? thank you.
  15. I had similar problem and had to cut and remove the broken cable. Replacement cable kit is about£200. I lead quoted about£250 to fit it but only at end of season when not busy doing conversions so haven’t replaced it yet and just use on manual on that side
  16. Very nice. Thanks for sharing the pictures and ideas. Did they do the head unit too?
  17. Sorry if it sounds obvious but have you cleaned the inside? I have this problem with my Alphard and Bongo. The inside gets traffic film that I find I have to use soapy water and a soft rubber window cleaning blade to remove. I just changed my wipers and tonight realised it was the film inside that was the problem! if you find a cure please share it. Thanks
  18. Hello you can adjust it through the head unit from the G button options bottom left on head unit. google translate is useful. Sorry if repeating others reply
  19. If you are near Colchester, All Trans Auto, CO3 0 LE Moss Road Stanway are excellent at diagnostics and sorting out the problems.
  20. Sounds good to me. Personally wouldn’t be up for the show and shine. would be keen to see other owners ideas and share tips. Thanks james
  21. Hi. Just in case it helps anyone. i just had to get my locknut off without the key as garage didn’t put it back in car after last service and I hadn’t realised. Came off really easy by tapping on a 19mm 12 point socket as suggested on YouTube so will not replace with lock nuts. However I notice that all of my wheel nuts are 12x15 tapered nuts. It’s a 2004 2.4 hybrid.
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