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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by robstarrob

  1. Afternoon All Just to give an update for anyone that had been following this thread or for future reference. I had my engineer at work look at the door. He pumped the area with lube and noticed that the plastic casing on the wire had corroded and broken up. The more lube we sprayed and pushing and pulling the door back in manual mode helped to move/shift the broken plastic. My door is now operating as it should in automatic mode. However, there will still be more plastic inside the door and tubing that the wire goes through. So I will have to open the inside door panel and remove and clear all plastic. In the long run I will have to replace the wire completely. Many thanks to all that contributed to helping me resolve this issue. Cheers Rob
  2. Hi Mate if you don't mind, can I ask how much this cost please.
  3. I will get my engineers at work to look at the door and get them to lubricate as you described earlier in this thread. thank you for the advise.
  4. Hi Alasdair Yes I have tried with the power door de-selected. It takes quite a bit of force too close it.
  5. Hi all, Thanks for allowing me to join the forum. I was wondering if someone could help and give some advice regarding my powered sliding doors. The sliding door will open correctly but when I go to close it will only go halfway then open back up again. I can't see an obstruction that will cause it to open back up again. When I have to close it by hand, I have to use great force in doing so. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. cheers
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