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Everything posted by sumogogg

  1. There are some good options on here for rear mounted bike carriers, but I wondered if anyone had considered a tow bar mounted bike rack? - or is the rear gate method generally seen as more practical/preferred option. This thread here mentions use of an Atera Strada Evo bike rack attached to towbar, and it can pull out away from the car for easy access, but it is expensive rack at nearly £600. I am new Alphard owner and trying to plan ahead for the summer! Thanks in advance
  2. Thanks for the info. I think I will also be going with the bumper/reflector replacement method. Do people tend to take this to a specialist to get the fog light sorted prior to MOT - or can this be done by a regular mechanic ? I always assumed the fog light would require specialist/electrician installation prior to MOT ?
  3. Hello I have just taken delivey of my first Alphard (2006 3.0 V6 MS) I imported it myself and it is now sat on my drive. The first step to the road is obviously the MOT, but before I do that I need to sort a rear foglight. I was looking for something quick and cheap, ideally with very basic wiring/install requirements, something temporary, to help get me through the MOT. The reason I want to do a quick/basic/temporary set-up is because in the New Year I am going to take it to a specialist to get them to do all sorts of work on it which will include adding the fog light to the rear reflectors in the bumper (which to me seems to be the best way and looks OEM without affecting anything else such as swapping one of the rear lights). Therefore, I just want something simple to get an MOT. Would anyone be able to share any advise on a basic/easy rear fog light set-up? (BTW I have seen the other link to rear fog lights but couldn't find a specific match) Thanks
  4. Thanks @skippy992 much appreciated, also I wasn't aware of the levers on the side. Plus a good point about the space with the rears up I hadn't thought of that, I guess with the other seating ioptions these will push up more towards the front seats. Those seats certainly look very comfortable and a passenger is nicely cocooned in them.
  5. Yes, that's what I thought for seats with only armrests, they have more 'open' access. Interested to hear from anyone who has the 'high sides' and their experience of them.
  6. Thanks, I think all types of passengers will use them from kids to elderly - really I was hoping someone might be able to share daily expieriences of them as they look big and cumbersome - at least compared to 'normal' captains seats (such as those you mention on a gen 1 MZ-G). Also these high sides are only on gen-2or gen-3 to my knowledge
  7. Hi, (Still!) looking to buy an Alphard/Vellfire and wanted to ask for peoples thoughts on the high-sided captains seats that are found in the more top of the range 7 seaters ? I have seen a Vellfire that is very nice - but it has these big high sided seats (example photo added) and these are slightly putting me off from buying the car. To me, they look a bit restrictive for general access and even comfort - I am not really sure why the plastic 'sides' are needed or what purpose they serve. There is a more standard 7 seater version available with armrests - or even an 8 seater bench version, which to me seems to be the most sensible/practical option. What are peoples general thoughts/experiences with these seats please ? Regards
  8. Many thanks for the detailed reply - very useful. I think i'll be looking at getting one of these in due course, I like the idea of adding an orindary bike lock too just incase!
  9. Sorry to revive an old thread but this Atera Strada Evo bike rack looks like a great option in the way it can slide out. Are you still using it one year on? Also (might be a daft question) - but is a tow bar rack this like vulnerable to theft when it is on the tow bar? I've never had one before, and wasn;t sure how they are secured/locked to the tow bar. As it is nearly £600 thought it worth asking! 🙂
  10. Hi - just wondering if you went ahead with this and how was your experience? Thanks
  11. Hello, Just after some advice on a 2007 Alphard I am looking at purchasing please. The car looks to be in very good condition, it has done 75,000 miles and a CarVX report confirms the auction report was a grade 4B, no other issues. It all looks good but there is nagging doubt on my part at some signs of useage, particularky on the buttons, seat and pedal. The seat has a tear in (which the seller has not included in the photo, but is on the side of the photo below). The A/C buttons have some visible wear, as does the 'mirror' button and the brake pedal. Please can I ask for opinions as to whether this wear is inconsistent with the mileage of 75K ? (Or am I being too fussy! ) I have looked at comparable cars and most do not have this wear at that mileage ?
  12. Hi - just wondered if you might be able to post a picture of your seven seater with the two beds? Be interested to see it in this set-up, still to trying to make a decision on what model to buy and this will really help, thanks! I think the nice thing about the 7 seater compared to the 8 is the ability to walk between the two which must help with the practicality of it.
  13. Hi - after some advice on a rear fog light set-up. I've read this thread but couldn't find a definitve answer so hoping someone can help. Looking at purchasing a 10 Series 2007 Alphard - but i've noticed the rear fog light is where one of the reversing lights was - they have swapped the drivers side reverse light bulb for a red one and wired it up to a black button on the dash. Is this ok/acceptable? (It comes with an MOT so already passed, but appreciate the next tester might not pass it ) Other postsers have referred to this type of set-up but I couldn't confirm if it was legit?
  14. Many thanks for the info and advice and for the insurance tip too will defintely check that out! I'm really torn between a 10 series or 20 series Alphard, but edging towards a 20 series and purely on the looks alone I think the Vellfire looks the best.
  15. Hi Did you have any joy with this? Be interested to know as I would love the option of the middle seats to rotate on a series 20.
  16. Thanks very much for the replies. Any photos would be very much appreciated! Co-incidently, a few hours ago another poster has updated a similar question I had here showing the 8 seater in 'bed mode' But would love to see the 7 seater sleep option with 2nd/3rd row !
  17. That's brilliant - thank you, exactly what I was after. It is very similar to the series 10 in that sense, as that folds down in a similar manner. I imagine it should be ok to sleep on, with a slim inflatable mattres on top? (have you tried sleeping on it?) I see that since January you must have purchased a Vellfire, how are you finding it? What model Vellfire is yours can I ask? - As I am looking for an 8 seater 3.5 litre Alphard or Vellfire, with sunroof, and ideally electric curtains - both of which yours appears to have ! I was originally looking for a series 20 but now I'm shifting toward a 20 series instead - I just wish that the 8 seater 20 series was able to rotate that middle bench in the same way. I love the idea that you can have an impromptu picnic table scenario (4/5 people facing each other, middle > rear seats) anywhere you go, rain or shine, it's a nice thing to have with the kids. Same goes for the 'bed' option too, so practical.
  18. Hello Looking for information please - I am trying to understand if the Gen 2 Alphard can convert its middle and rear seats into a 'bed mode' and go flat, like the Gen 1 Alphard did (as seen in this useful video here I can't seem to find a definitive answer to this. It looks very useful and I would reallly like it as an option. Does anyone sleep in their Gen 2 Alphard (without camper conversion aids) ? The Gen 2 seems to have more 'captain seats' than a middle bench, and I assume a bench would be better for a bed fold down like in the video above ? Thank you
  19. Regarding the 8 seater version with the middle row 'bench' - does this not have the ability to fold flat into a bed, like in a Gen 1 Alphard? (I have been trying to find a definitive answer to this, but was assuming that it did fold in such a way, with it being a 'flat' back seat)
  20. I have also been looking at this service, would also be interested to hear from anyone who has experiences with them or have used them lately?
  21. Also another Gen 2 question I can't seem to find an answer to - in the 8 seater (middle row bench) version - can the middle and rear seats fold flat to be an 'almost' bed like it can in the Gen 1 ?
  22. Thanks - I wasn't aware of that with the CVT. It would be used more for weekends/day van/day trip type use - occasional short trips. I don't mind too much on age - though the Gen 2 defintely looks more 'modern' whereas the Gen 1 is starting to have an older looking design (not that it really matters too much). I would be happy with either Gen 1 or 2 - I was just a bit put off by the high prices that seem to exist for these old cars, even for a basic model, and wondered if a Gen 2 might be a better long term option as it should (in theory) hold value better being a newer model. The big Gen 2 downside for me is I really wanted those rotatable middle seats 🙂
  23. Sorry to revive an old thread but I am in a similiar quandry to OP. I was considering a gen 1 Alphard, but I would like to get a really good one, and the cost for that seems to be around 10 - 12K. However - to get an early gen 2 Alphard/Vellfire doesnt seem to cost that much more. As the gen 1 ended production 16 years ago, 10 - 12k seems to me to be lot of money for an older model car that is quite expensive to run? So - I am wondering if I should be investing in a Gen 2 over a Gen 1 ? Is the Gen 2 considered better or worse overall? Are people starting to migrate over to the gen 2 over time? For me the only key downside to a gen 2 seems to be that the seats are not as flexible - specifically that the middle seats are not rotatable. Any other thoughts on the gen 2 vs gen 1, other downsides/upsides to either version? Just to compare with Nissan - its interesting that the E51 Elgrand is still popular, but the next gen E52 it seems is not as popular, as it is more car based than MPV. But the gen 2 Alphard/Vellfire is still similar to gen 1 and still an MPV.
  24. Hi, do these seats rotate? Sorry I am still unclear on which middle seats rotate and which don't. This looks to be an MZG with the two separate middle seats rather than a 3 seater bench. Do these two separate seats rotate? Thanks in advance (Looking to buy an Alphard first gen but the rotating seat option is non negotiable!)
  25. This is something I am also interested to know. Would I be correct to say that only the Gen-1 8 seater Alphard has the rotating middle seat option? It seems odd that they stopped this for rules/requirements as I think (but could be wrong here) that the Elgrand continued to offer this well option after 2008 (?) I wanted a Gen 2 Alphard but honestly this is probably a deal breaker for me, I just love that option.
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