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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by kev1839

  1. OiI goes in through the dip stick tube using a thin funnel . Be careful to only put back in the amount that comes out . You won't remove it all . Overfill and the box will go bang!
  2. Yes that's the ones , I really can't remember the size I've had then in the shed for some time , just lucky I had one that fitted .
  3. When fitting a tow bar this has to be done to stop the bracket hitting the tow bar . Mine is the same ,I fitted a rubber 'p' clip , been on a year now no problem, recently passed MOT no worries either
  4. Take the rear wheels off the discs have inboard drums with mini shoes inside . Locate the rubber bung on the face of the disc/drum (face the wheel bolts too) . With handbrake off spin wheel so hole is at the bottom . Insert flat blade screwdriver and feel for an adjustable wheel between the handbrake shoes. Spin it until the wheel locks on then back off until it spins with a little drag .
  5. I'll comment on the bushes . They are a common problem and not so much mileage related as age related . Especially a low mileage vehicle that has sat around a lot . One mot tester may say all is good , another one that they're shot . Also using the vehicle once it's been sat can cause issues with already soft bushes . Not defending the dealer , they clearly aren't doing things the right way
  6. That oil will be fine for your Alphard . As stated previously fully synthetic is the way to go these days, out performs semi all the way . Comma is good oil ,used it no problems for a long time . Used shell helix fully synthetic in mine last change as it was on offer but used comma a lot . No need to flush , any newer oils the last few years have good detergent properties. The 2.4 isn't known for sludging anyway . Yearly 8/10000 mile changes are fine .
  7. Having done mine recently,I can honestly say it's the best thing you could do to prolong the life of your transmission. It wasn't exactly clean and don't forget there's a filter in there too
  8. Personally, I drained as much as I could (about 4 litres) , removed the sump pan , replaced the filter and refitted /refilled. A week later I drained again and refilled.
  9. All insurance is subjective and every drivers details and circumstances are different. Personally I've used Lifesure with no problems both for my converted Alphard or for the Mazda bongo I had before it . I've always found their price very competitive too
  10. They all do that sir ... have you not got a button to unlock on the driver's door ? Next to the one that locks the electric windows ?
  11. Thank you for that link ,it worked well for me . Shows both recalls having been done before export
  12. Fuel costs all depend on driving style and how you use the vehicle , longer runs will raise that figure . I do a lot of shorter urban runs so my average mpg is around 20-22 . As for insurance,again that's a person specific thing . I use Lifesure and not for the first time . I consider £225 fully comprehensive for the year pretty good .
  13. Always best to tell them
  14. The definitive answer here is that towing weights only have to be displayed on vin plates for vehicles built for the European markets. There is no legal requirement for you to have a vin plate showing towing weights as, obviously these are Japanese market imported vehicles . Most insurance companies won't be bothered either way so probably won't provide any answer . I've yet to hear of anybody towing with an Alphard being stopped by the law . Obviously you need to keep within towing limits . I believe alphards are around the 18-1900kg mark for kerb weight. Staying within the 85% rule towing up to around 1500kg is perfectly legal
  15. Search carousel car parts on eBay . I can't get the link to copy and paste for some reason . They are an authorised Mannol dealer on eBay
  16. I've always bought from eBay I'll find the link for the gearbox oil for you ,I think the same seller does the 5/30 engine oil too
  17. Mannol is good stuff , been using it for years in my cars . My Alphard has Mannol transmission fluid in it as we speak . Meets all Toyota specs and at £55 for ten litres delivered to the door ,it was the best way of doing the box filter and oil change . As has been said they don't do sponsorship so I guess overheads are lower . Anyhow I've had no problems using any of their products
  18. Could very well be a bad earth too . Make sure all the connections to the bodywork are clean and tight
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