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  • Name: Richard
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Hybrid (02-08)
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  1. Haha not sure myself haha,, shorting out. Basically when I took old pump off and connected it to a small like motorbike battery what was laying about, it started sparking smoking and then wires got hot and would have melted most likely causing a fire if the pump was connected to car. The alphard was driving on and off for weeks with this overheating problem because the old pump was "shorting out then haha. But the wires were all fine as we're all fuses and relays so the brain of the car must have recognised the pump shorting out problem and stopped sending any voltage to the pump otherwise there would have been a fire no doubt about it. The new pump once fitted worked a treat the car runs mint now. I'm not a mechanic but saved thousands on dodgy diagnosis simply by opening the radiator cap for the inverter pump and noticing the coolant wasn't being pumped. Once there is a fault in the hybrid side of things, it can be mega money and still get nowhere, best thing to do is recognise what the car is doing. This one was starting and then cutting out after 5 or ten minutes, Christmas tree dash then it would start after a prolonged length of time. At first I thought check battery cooling, I was sure it was a overheating problem. Turned out to be a poxy inverter coolant pump that you'd expect to see in a fishtank. Soon as I saw it knew it was that. If though, a hybrid alphard won't start, it's worth checking all parts fuses relays wires plugs to do with the inverter cooling pump. It's such a poxy part but definitely could lead to all sorts of failures. I could imagine a car not starting because a pump was out. Such as a fuel pump for example. You've got to look at what could go wrong, it's a Toyota so the engine itself should be bulletproof. The weakest link in any hybrid Alphard is the Inverter coolant pump. Just make sure you buy right one and not a cheap prius one.
  2. Check your inverter coolant pump, open right radiator cap in front of engine sand see if coolant goes up and down. If not, then pumps knackered
  3. I had all those lights and the vsc. It was a overheating problem. The inverter coolant pump was knackered so not cooling the inverter. New pump was about 200 quid from autojapanesespares on ebay. The vehicle would start and run for a few minutes then just cut out then not start until after about 10 minutes. You can check if the pump is working by opening the right radiator cap in front of engine. If the coolant rises to the top then falls then rises, then the pump is working. If it doesn't then your pumps knackered. They're a robust little pump that last but they are not the best and I think they all fail at some point. Worth checking... also my dad said that he was surprised that in my case the wiring had not burnt out or any fuses or relays gone as power was obviously going to the pump but being dead ended. When I hooked my old pump to a small 12 volt battery it sent sparks flying instantly, smoked, and the heat of the wires burnt my fingers. I guess on my vehicle a fuse or relay or just the engine computer saved this from starting a fire as the old pump when hooked up was very dodgy. Hope this helps. I changed the pump myself it was a very easy job if I can do it anyone can.
  4. Bit late for me but thanks anyway
  5. Sorry about that, the troubles with new technology in the real world no one knows how to fix it. Let's make a bunch of cars that cost the earth that no man on earth can fix. Its a joke ya can't trust any garage they just change good batteries for nothing when it's not even that it costs thousands then ya cars still broke after ya drive it a few miles.
  6. Check fuses and relays, and check for burnt out wiring.
  7. Where are you located? Call me 07310810880
  8. Thank you very much
  9. Thank you very much
  10. Hello, I'm looking for an inverter coolant pump for a 2007 Toyota Alphard 2.4 hybrid. I've asked synetiq but no luck. Then tried my local parts dealer and no joy. Then I tried a Japanese auto specialist who said it would cost £470 delivered. I've taken the pump off already. Its a poxy little pump with a 2 pin electrical connector port. I think there are others out there that aren't the same part number or original part, but still work, such as from a 1.5 prius. Can anyone help me get a cheapish pump that's gonna do the job. Thanks
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