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  • Name: Sean
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. All sorted. Purchased a replacement unit and it works so must be a fault with the precious unit. Thank you for all the advice.
  2. No nothing at all My vehicle does not have a dvd player and screen has been removed I have ordered a new unit which should be here tomorrow or Saturday as the buttons looked a bit shabby anyway.
  3. Have checked and double checked numerous times so think it's possible a fuse.
  4. All the functions on the head unit work. There is no dvd as there is a pop top fitted. Unit has been out to fit new LEDs on the switches as these were all out. These now work but non of the controls work on the heater/AC.
  5. There is audio and the steering wheel controls work. This has recently been replaced.
  6. The LEDs lights up when the lights are on but apart from that the whole unit is dead. No clock, sensors or power to the controls.
  7. Thank you Rojie, and does that protect the heating and ac controls
  8. Hi, I have just purchased a 2003 3.0 V6. Is anyone able to advise which fuse is for the heating/AC controls under the head unit? I have done some reading an think it no17 from the passenger side fuse box. The problem is I don't want get it out for it to be the wrong one as the access is very tight. The heating/AC buttons light up when I put the lights on but there is no heating or AC when I press the buttons. The clock is also dead. Thank you in advance.
  9. Hi Aftab Thank you for sharing the pictures I have been looking at these also as, we about to purchase an Alphard that has not been fully converted by has a pop top fitted. We still need to have the option of 6 seats and this would work perfectly. I'd be interested to understand if you can still sleep in the vehicle - I'm thinking it would need to be the middle and front seats or possibly middle front on side and middle rear the other. Have you got any picture of how this would work? Thanks Sean
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