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Everything posted by DanielEckardt

  1. Hi, i bridged the pins directly at the loom connetor. I used the diaram vom User Chris.ac This worked perfect.
  2. Oh my groß. I Love you so much. I bridged the wiring Like your pinout and it worked. Inhaber audio! Thank you so much. So i can search a new Monitor and it will bei fine.
  3. My drawings are direct from my German Toyota Dealer. My Vellfire ist an original Japanese model
  4. I checked IT with my own wiring Plan. IT comes direct from Toyota for my von number. I have to Bridge Mi+ Pin 2 to Mo+ Pin 5 Mi- Pin 3 to Mo- Pin 6 Sldi Pin 4 to sldo Pin 7
  5. for me it makes also sense. I will test it maybe today i´ll give you a feedback
  6. Ah ok, i think my Screen ist broken, so i have No sound
  7. The Board has an electrical failure and you plugged it in without the Rest of the Monitor an it worked? Thats crazy. I will try it
  8. How do you fixed the Problem with the Sound without a OEM roof Monitor? Thats a solution i can live with, If the Sound works fine.
  9. Thanks for this information. Do you have a Link to your Android Screen? Does ist fit with the OEM connectors? The White and blue plugs are checked and These are ok. Maybe i can Change the Monitor with an used fully functional OEM one? Do you think this ist an Idea?
  10. Does anyone habe an Idea? I ready Something about Problems with the top Monitor and this can bei repaired. Does anyone habe done this?
  11. Hello from Germany, my audio system stopped working. I have compelte no sound and the roof monitor is not working. The failurecode in the headunit is B15D0 Most Comminication. Does anyone have the fixed the same problem? I crosschanged the Headunit and the 18 Speaker Amp with another Vellfire. They are working fine. I measuered the complete Most Ring in the car. All cabels are ok and i have no wiring issues. Does anyone have an other idea for my problem? The partnumber of the roof monitor is 86680-58041-A0 I read soemthing about a broken roof monitor, but it can be fixed. Does anyone know how it can be fixed. Thanks for you help. I love the car, but this problem ist abslout anoying. 😢
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