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  • Name: Andy
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Vellfire 240 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Thanks for replying. It says Vellfire, no mention of Z. All the HPI checks etc come back with no mention of Z. Only place I can think it is mentioned would be the auction details.
  2. Ok so latest is that apparently the Alphards and Vellfires are listed the wrong way round for insurers. Can anyone confirm this? Considering insuring it as a 2.4S because there is simply no other option.
  3. Hello everyone. (Potential) new Vellfire owner here. I have paid a deposit on a 2013 Vellfire 2.4Z. Try as I might I can't find a quote cheaper than £1700 per annum. The S and X trims will be insured by loads of different companies, quotes around £600. I've spent the whole day on the phone to insurers and been told unequivocally by many people that this 2.4Z - for the purposes of insurers in the UK - does not exist. e.g. Adrian Flux: system doesn't like this car, £2200 per annum, which is think is for a policy to the effect of "we've no idea what this is so will quote you an astronomical price". Admiral were fantastic, tried really hard, but couldn't find it either. Any words of wisdom before I bail out of the purchase? I would be very grateful.
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