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dezufo last won the day on March 4

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  • Name: Pete
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
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  1. The tax always goes up in April, at the moment it is £345
  2. The main problem is that the cable frays inside the door as well and fouls the mechanism, there are 2 solutions, 1) change the cable/mechanism inside the door which entails removing the door card to get at the part, 2) cut the cable as close to the door as possible, switch off the power door on the dash, then you can open/close the door manually. Part available on eBay > https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176509903974
  3. kseal can block other parts of the heating system, always best to find where the leak is. If there is plenty of coolant in the rad, and you can see it moving when cold with the cap off, then it could be blocked in the heater matrix. You need to warm it up then check the small hoses, feed/return, that are connected to the matrix near the bulkhead, if they are both warm then the valve is working, and you have flow through the matrix, if not then the valve is not working or blocked. If you have flow through then the other cause could be the air flap control disc is faulty, a known fault, it is situated behind the dash low down, above and to the left of the parking brake, a disc from an Avensis control will fit, but both units need stripping down and the discs swopping
  4. As said whole headlight, eBay is best, e.g. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/146302066269
  5. As said already, they are not required as the beam is flat plus there is no marker as to where to place them, but some people put a set in the glove box just in case they get stopped, you can get a set off ebay
  6. Check on eBay for wheel arch trim clips or look in the link for the part number https://www.amayama.com/en/genuine-catalogs/epc/toyota-japan/alphard/ANH10W/35395/body/6151
  7. From what I have read elsewhere, the units under the seat are for the tv and/or satnav, the CPU is behind the dash and the hard drive is built in to the head unit
  8. the flashing car symbol is supposed to flash when ever the key is not in the ignition, it indicates that the immobiliser is working
  9. Its for the front camera which has a split lens that shows a view left & right at junctions, it can be switched on/off via the switch on the right hand side of the steering wheel
  10. It is only the facelift 3.0Litre from 2005 on wards that had a 5 speed, 4-speed automatic: U140E (pre-facelift 3.0) U140F (2.4 AWD/pre-facelift 3.0 AWD) U241E (2.4 FWD) P210 e-CVT (hybrid) 5-speed automatic (facelift 3.0): U151E (FWD) U151F (AWD)
  11. Well done, not something I would fancy doing in this weather
  12. If it looks the same then it more than likely is as the shell/chassis is the same it was just the style that changed depending on model, e.g. AS, MS, you can check in the link for part numbers amayama.com
  13. You need a scanner with the JOBD protocol to read the fault codes, once you have a code you can google it, you will then have a very good idea on which part to replace, with out the code you will just be throwing money at it, a good scanner is the Ancel JP700
  14. Tensioner should not need doing unless a very high mileage, if your rad has the plastic side panels they can crack due to age and heat but you can get radiators with metal sides on ebay, new hoses is agood idea, also towards the back there are 2 T joints that take the coolant into the heater matrix, they are made of plastic and can get brittle due to the heat/age some people, my self included, fit brass T pieces, 19mm, again on ebay, the link will be helpful for any part numbers you might need for other bits, once you have a part number you can use it as a cross reference or ask a toyota dealer to get it or even get it through the link amayama.com
  15. As it is an inline 4 it is possible to do it in-situ, however it is advisable to have the head skimmed to ensure it has not warped so search for a place local to you that can do that
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