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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by LukeyLukey

  1. Hi Andy, You've probably figured it out by now, but for the benefit of others who might need to know: On your black fob with the pull out radio, you have 4 buttons: i Padlock Locked 🔒 Padlock Open 🔓 E (orange button) To remote start: Press E, then press Padlock Locked 🔒. If you look below the Paddlock buttons, there is Start and Stop written into black plastic. The vehicle should now start. If you open a door, the engine switches itself off automatically. To remote switch of the engine: Press E, then press Padlock open 🔓 The Padlock keys will remote lock and unlock your doors if you do not press the E button first. This function is so good on cold mornings - your car warms up and melts the ice on the windscreen whilst you have your breakfast. Have fun, Luke
  2. Hi Yes, looks like the battery drained somehow. Been fine since I charged it up with a smart charger that claims to restore batteries to good health. No issues at all since. Fingers crossed
  3. I returned from holiday and saw the wing mirrors were unfolded and doors unlocked on my 20 series 2009 Vellfire. The keyfob did not work to lock it and the battery seemed flat, which is odd as its only a few months old. I'm certain I locked it before going on 2 weeks holiday, although there is a light in the boot area that can be switched on when the ignition is off and so could drain the battery. I doubt the vellfire would unlock itself in the event of a dying battery, though. I used a lithium battery jump starter (normally works instantly even with a damaged battery) and the electrics of the dashboard flicked on and off a few times before dying with quiet ascending electrical noise (maybe a signal through the audio system). I tried it a few times, but couldn't get it to turn over enough to start during one of the brief moments of flickering on. Doesn't quite match other people's description of the Immobiliser being activated. Can't see any evidence of anyone having stolen anything, or moved stuff around. No evidence of forced entry on the locks/outside the vehicle. We get scumbags checking for unlocked car doors at night/early morning and taking sat nav screens, money, and other items, but no break-ins. Sometimes, houses have been broken into and fobs taken to aid stealing of a car. No evidence of house being broken into and the fobs are all present. I thought I'd share in case anyond else experienced similar issues. I will try removing and charging up the battery and see if that helps and update my progress as I try to get it back working again. It has been running perfectly since I replaced the battery in March 24, even with the previous damaged battery, the jump starter aways worked instantly whenever needed. Wish me luck! Update: Battery tester showed just 1.5v. Hooked up a battery charger and the dashboard came to life and remained on as it charges. Keyfob recognised, but not enough power to lock/unlock with fob. The start button worked to turn on the power, but I leave the battery to fully charge before trying to start the engine. The central locking worked from the door switch and the window would slowly open and close. Looks like the electrical system is okay. I've switched off and locked up whilst the battery charges up. Feeling optimistic 😌
  4. Nicely done. I spent about 40 mins due to my crazy 3 lines of contingency to ensure I didn't repeat my previous glass-smashing foolishness. Glad this fix worked for you, and thanks again to John for sharing the OP.
  5. I paid £37.67 for the parts and delivery. They said it would be 80+ days for delivery, but it was about 1 week. It was my first time using Ali Express (I've tried wish and joom with mixed results). They seem to be as good quality as the original struts. I think they need replacing every 10 years or so. Good luck, Luke
  6. Hi Pete Here is the link: Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! £45.79 | With Power Tailgate Struts for Toyota Alphard Vellfire AH20 2008-2015 Minivan Rear Trunk Lift Supports Shock Absorber Dampers https://a.aliexpress.com/_EuGFovd They come with new mounts that are slightly different to the old ones, but fit okay. You'll need a 12mm spanner/socket set. I have a powered boot, so you might want to buy a different set if yours is manual only (although they might work for both options). I found it easier to fit the boot end of the strut first, then the main body of the car. usl Just make sure the boot Is really well supported during swap over ,- they are much heavier than you think and will slam down fast and dangerous without both struts in place. Ali Express will tell you it'll take 80+ days to deliver, but mine came within 10 days. (Not sure why the text has turned red here).
  7. Hi John Thanks for posting this- I just finished fitting the same struts from Ali Express. So nice to have it open fully and not keep banging my head. Pretty easy to swap them out. I used an acrow prop to hold the boot open, but had the wife holding it, as well as some cargo straps from boot to the roof bars in case of failure. I have memories of swapping out struts in the past where the prop fell over and the boot smashed down and blew out the back window. Regards Luke
  8. I got this for £69 on amazon. Sits on the dash and works perfectly. I get to keep the old audio unit with all the cameras working. It plays through the car's audio via Bluetooth, or via FM radio (just pick a frequency that isnt used by a radio station. Having the satnav and Spotify higher up is easier to use. Saved a fortune on what the alternatives were https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CR5QCYRL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
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