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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

karsten doering

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  • Name: Karsten
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
  • Your Location
    Bad Homburg

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  1. It is resolved, I have the access.
  2. Hi Geralt, I ve bought the recomended cable and software kit. At one point of the installation it sais "to get the licence key send me the software ID.." Unfotunately it nowhere sais where to send it, to get the licence key. Do you have an idea? Greetings Karsten
  3. Hi, The link doesn't work anymore. Do you have the contact ?
  4. I'm not an expert but I've done some research. Toyota did put filters for the batterie cooling fan at their hybrids between 2010 and 2012. From this time on the batteries lastet very much longer. Imortant is if the filters are been cleaned and changed regularly. So check the filter if you buy a hybrid.
  5. Thanks, big help. I think I follow your recommendation.
  6. Ok thanks, good idea. I tried that and there is no noise where it should be, regarding your video. At the back I could hear a noise. So probably thats the reason. Next week I will have someone reading out the computer connecting via the OBD port, which toyota couln't read. Then I should be save with the diagnosis. Great help, thanks.:)
  7. Thanks for this valuable information. I will get the techstream software. Any idea where i could get the right OBD plug? Toyota germany doesn't know about Alphards and the model 2004 has a different pin assignment as far as i know. That's why no workshop here can use the obd diagnosis at my car.
  8. Great Link and video. Thank you very much. I can't say if the actuator is moving it doesn't make any sound. Can you hear it if it is moving?
  9. I checked it, there is no air in the System. But i just noticed in the rear the heater is working. Does anybody know what the reason can be?
  10. Hello Guys does the AncelJP700 work also for 2004 3.0 6V? Any experiences
  11. Thanks for your answer. I will do so. Does anybody know where the heat- exchanger is. I want to clean it.
  12. Hello, I have an Alphard 2004 with a 3.0l machine. My heater doesn't work. It has enough liquid and the thermostat is working. Does anybody know how to clean the heatexchanger or how to replace it. A manual would be marvelous. Greetings Karsten
  13. Hello Alphard fans, since this week I have a 20 year old Alphard in quite good condition. I m from Germany and I m already hooked from that marvelous vehicle. Nice to be here. Greatings Karsten
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