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Everything posted by Bpirie1000

  1. The above i have located and ruled out as a fault. I have continuity through the sensor all the way to the cluster. Different dash cluster makes the same issue.... no engine temp sensor.... kind of thinking now that it is a car wiring issue or blown both speedo cluster..... Continue to be bamboozled... Could this be caused by the kpm to mph speedo conversion? It was all fine... then removed to fix something else then a wire came loose on said speedo converter... all back together as it was..... not working... has not worked since... Which ECM does the relating on the wires for this..(where is it located).
  2. Don't suppose you have got the the Diagram for a engine temperature sensor? I am bamboozled by why I have nothing on the gauge but appear to have power in the right places and no other things playing up...
  3. Also after a decent workshop manual. Specifically engine temp,sensor.... Cheers folks..
  4. Is anyone in a position to send a copy of the wiring diagram for a dash dials cluster. I have an issue at the moment where I am not getting 5volts to the temp gauge causing it to show no reading. Fuel gauge works fine..... I have checked and changed the temp sensor so know it is not that. Checked continuity between the temp switch and the gauge. Fuel gauge works no problem... seams a strange on for my car electrics logic... How does it get reduced to the 5volts which black box of trickery does this? Hoping You can shed some light on this with a decent wiring diagram that I am filing to find.... Thanks.
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