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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Theatre Sound System

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Hi all,


New here-got our new (to us) Alphard today! Ours has come with the theatre Sound system, and I have a couple of quick questions:


1) can you change the system language?


2) does this system have a Bluetooth connection? There are buttons on the steering wheel that would suggest you can start/end calls, but I haven't been able to work anything out so far. 


I have attached a photo incase it helps anyone identify which stereo we have. 


Finally, the car also has front and rear cameras. If I buy a UK headunit, will I still be able to use both cameras?


Thanks for any info/help!


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Could I suggest looking here: http://eightseaters.blogspot.com/search/label/HU Operation


So many different headunits, but on mine there are 2 bluetooth connections to set up - one for the'phone' and one for 'media'

I even have it that my wifes phone will autoconnect the media, so she acts like DJ, whilst mine is free to connect for hands free calling if necessary

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