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Happy new Alphard owner!

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Hey guys, I am new to the forum, just picked up my 2012 Alphard at the weekend, ah20 I believe? 

Over the moon with it. Just wondered if there is anything interesting I should know, issues to look out for or any general info that people think I should know about with this model.

My dad has an 05 so I am fairly familiar with Alphards. He is pretty jealous right now 😁

I am the 1st uk owner so I have changed the spark plugs and air filter, cabin filter is in the post and I will be doing the oil and filter soon. Is the oil filter towards the back of the engine? Assuming its relatively easy to access once I'm underneath?

Also I am booked in with a local garage to get it undersealed (£120). 

Would very much appreciate your knowledge and opinions.

Also feel free to comment on my van good or bad its all welcome 😁20220410_171908.thumb.jpg.776bafb4009b6e8da74b5f3d2950ea02.jpg20220410_171915.thumb.jpg.32409076a14fd434e2fb5a48d80211c1.jpg20220410_171934.thumb.jpg.f4afdba40c163a103464221748baadee.jpg20220410_171957.thumb.jpg.e160dee6b702f4afd6036151f7876059.jpg20220410_172004.thumb.jpg.3dbdbaed0a487f3afea281583ed426a9.jpg20220410_172024.thumb.jpg.1f89dbb27fd5c07cfa2a91ba441e9383.jpg20220410_171859.thumb.jpg.a596480fe041e7caa4ec561e82f0768a.jpg20220410_144944.thumb.jpg.a19b7159408b85d4a1f534393e0da721.jpg

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5 hours ago, Trx said:

Just joined myself I must learn how to post pics.


drag and drop from your desktop to the paperclip.

There is a file size limit so keep as low as possible.

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Thanks guys, yes the colour and leather is what attracted me to this one. Quite rare I think. They are leather covers but you'd never know! I will have a look for the rear headrest, had no idea it was tucked away in the back. Think 3 in the back would be a bit of a squeeze tho!

Thanks for the filter location Chris 👍

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Ian24 it's a 2.4, I was eyeing up a hybrid but was just a bit too expensive at the moment. This model has the 7 speed sports automotive and an eco mode so doesn't seem as bad on fuel as I thought. I've kept my fuel receipt so when I get back down to a quarter tank I will work out what mpg I achieved. 

Just had the undersealing done so that's one less thing to worry about. (See before and after below). Still need to do the oil change, any recommendations for what oil I should use?






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