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Camper conversion DXF/DWG Files

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Hi Guys, I'm a newby here.  I have 2 Alphards, one is in the process of being converted into a camper.  The other one needs converting.  Given the high cost, I have found somebody local with a CNC machine that can cut out the units for me, but he needs DXF or DWG files.  I wonder if anybody knows where I might get these files, either for a rear conversion or a side conversion.  Happy to pay for the files.


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Hi Crewey,


Welcome to the Forum.


I think you will find most companies regard their files as proprietary and will be unwilling to supply them.

From their point of view, what is to stop you setting up in competition to them.

You could get involved in non disclosure agreements, etc, and so on.

If I were them, it isn't worth the trouble.


However there may be DIY persons who can, and are willing to supply drawings.

Possibly digital, probably not.


I'm jealous, just a newbie with TWO Alphies already.


Are you aware of Romahome / NorthStar in Cowes ?


Good Luck

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Hi Rojie, thanks, I am aware that some companies may guard their files for fear of competition, but thought that I would ask.  I am aware of Northstar, just too expensive!  My first van is in New Milton being converted (£7k), but then my wife saw a white one with a custom body kit and she just had to have it!!!  Now that needs converting!  Nightmare...

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So if we see an Alphard convoy, it's you and your wife !


There are some companies that sell flat pack kitchens for self assembly; that may be the way to go.


Try searching eBay.


There is a supplier of flat packs in North Devon.

I believe they can supply side or rear kitchens.

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Hi, the company we have dealt with in the past are Camper Conversions in Barnstaple, North Devon. We had a rear kitchen fitted to our Ford Freda many years ago. I'm not sure if they do any work on Alphards, worth a phone call 01271 373853. I've also seen a list of companies who supply kits,but for the life of me I can't remember where.

If it comes to me I'll post on these pages.

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Hi,just found another company who supply kits[again in North Devon] Alphard Campers, Bideford. tel.07989582863. I can't offer any recommendations, but worth a try.


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