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Does anyone have two single beds in a conversion rather than one double.  I know I can lay the seats back - beds would be a seat during the day 



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4 hours ago, Katt said:

Does anyone have two single beds in a conversion rather than one double.  I know I can lay the seats back - beds would be a seat during the day 




Yes, some of us do.


Do you have a conversion already ?


Do you have a seven seater or eight seater ? Ideally, you need a seven seater.


As the difference isn't always obvious, please let us all know your vehicle type number.

ANH10, or something similar, its should be on your B plllar, passenger side


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Thanks Rojie 


Not yet - I'm going to have a look at some vans for conversion at Andy's imports in two weeks time - so been doing research.    What vehicle type would be best that he would import over.   


Any help would be gratefully received as currently, it is looking a very big definate on buying this sort of van x

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2 hours ago, Katt said:

Thanks Rojie 


Not yet - I'm going to have a look at some vans for conversion at Andy's imports in two weeks time - so been doing research.    What vehicle type would be best that he would import over.   


Any help would be gratefully received as currently, it is looking a very big definate on buying this sort of van x


Hello Katt.


As this is a Forum for Alphards and Vellfires, most of us can only speak with any authority on those.

You really need to consider and understand your needs; and drive a couple at least

Conversion, whilst it can be tailored to your needs will not be cheap. Budget a minimum of £5k (plus VAT).

Rear conversion, side conversion, fridge, hob, basin, toilet, electrics, leisure battery. There are many choices

Leadtimes can be lengthy

Diy is possible if you can locate the flat pack kits.

Not many attempt a scratch build on these. There are lots, and lots, of hidden hardware and features that are best left undisurbed.


In my case, the twin single bed option is based on a seven seater 2006 MZ G.

A major benefit is that you can use just one bed (but not while travelling), retaining the other as a seat.

The middle row seats are Captains versions, although, I believe there are other single seats available.

The middle row seats from a seven seater and eight seater are not compatible; as the eight seater has a one and a half seat, plus a single.

On the ANH10 models many of the middle seats swivel which can be very useful; mine don't!


There is a Annual Alphard Meet in Warkwickshire soon.

There will be a large quantity of Alphies there and it would be a fantastic opportunity for you to see an enormous number of possible options.


To conclude, the seating options are significant, and some models allow all seats to be flattened, thereby providing absolutely huge 'bedding' area


Good luck with your search.

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Thanks for this and we are going to have a look at some at Andy's imports.  So the information about the twin single bed is really useful thank you.  


Never would I attempt a self build! Thank you so much that is really helpful advice.  

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