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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Hi, I may have banged on before about insurance,but reading through recent posts, there are many new members with discussions about modifications such as altering wheels,lowering suspension etc. It is important to know that any alterations/modifications from the factory specifications for your Alphard could render your insurance invalid,so any modifications[s]/alterations from standard need to be informed to your insurance company.

During my many,many years of involvement around and in the motor trade I have seen insurance claims be dismissed because of un-reported mods[even worn tyres,] The list goes on!

I have a Morris Minor Van which has disc brakes fitted,anti roll bar &,5 speed gear box  which had to be registered with my insurance company. These mods improve the handling and safety of the vehicle and did not affect my premiums.

All the campers/vans on the road with strange looking wheels and elastic bands for tyres, I understand are illegal. Their fitment should be informed/checked with the insurance company,otherwise in the case of an accident the owner may not be covered and the insurance company will not pay out.

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Well said. 

Get any mod listed in writing on your insurance document, including wheel rim size changes. 


I even declared rear fog, as this was not standard placement, even though it uses standard wiring. 


Underwriter did half laugh, but conceded the point. 


Inform about towbar, led headlamps etc etc. 

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