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Where to get your Toyota Import transported to, Nationwide.


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Any of us with Toyota Imports could need transporting to a garage, anywhere in the Country - accidents happen, even if mechanical breakdown is avoided.  Is there a list anywhere of recommended garages to be transported to?  Would it be worth someone maintaining a sticky list of them, based on member's reports? 


Edited by devonia
Ambiguity when it comes to the word "tow".
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4 hours ago, devonia said:

Any of us with Toyota Imports could need towing to a garage, anywhere in the Country - accidents happen, even if mechanical breakdown is avoided.  Is there a list anywhere of recommended garages to be towed to?  Would it be worth someone maintaining a sticky list of them, based on member's reports? 



Hello Keith,


You should NOT tow any automatic. The driven wheels must be free of the ground.



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So if you breakdown as I have twice, insist the recovery people provide a vehicle transporter, flatbed car transporter where your vehicle can pulled up onto. I joined the RAC in 1982, the best thing I ever did.

Edited by Michael Brown
adding text
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