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Smart Key Fob

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Hi. I recently bought a 2010 Velfire but unfortunately only one key. The key is the five button version so I am interested in finding out if anybody knows where I can get a spare key programmed. All help appreciated.

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3 hours ago, Waspie said:

Hi. I recently bought a 2010 Velfire but unfortunately only one key. The key is the five button version so I am interested in finding out if anybody knows where I can get a spare key programmed. All help appreciated.


Most auto electricians should be able to supply cut programme and try.

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I had this probem on 2 of the Estima's I have owned I went to a Toyota main dealer and asked. I was told about £240, inc the key. I did not argue and arranged to have it done. Over the years of Estima ownership I went to that Toyota dealer again and again. Listers Toyota in Stratford Upon Avon.

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17 hours ago, Rojie said:


Most auto electricians should be able to supply cut programme and try.

Hi Rojie. I've contacted several Auto locksmiths and so far they told me they don't have the software programmes for Jap imports. I will try a Toyota dealer as well as trying more auto locksmiths but no luck so far.

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1 hour ago, Waspie said:

Hi Rojie. I've contacted several Auto locksmiths and so far they told me they don't have the software programmes for Jap imports. I will try a Toyota dealer as well as trying more auto locksmiths but no luck so far.


Unfortunately, most official Toyota dealers will not work on Imports.

Some do, but most don't !


I used a local auto locksmith, so that will not help you sadly.

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1 hour ago, Rojie said:


Unfortunately, most official Toyota dealers will not work on Imports.

Some do, but most don't !


I used a local auto locksmith, so that will not help you sadly.

Yes. It's looking  like I'm stuck with the one. I'm going to have to be very careful with it!

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54 minutes ago, Waspie said:

Yes. It's looking  like I'm stuck with the one. I'm going to have to be very careful with it!


Don't despair.


I am sure there are other Gen 2 users that have had this problem; and resolved it.


Be patient. I feel sure someone will offer you help quite soon.

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You will need someone with Techstream, which is EVERY toyota dealer because its their official software - they will blow smoke about imports not being supported.


If you have a laptop, you can buy a VCI cable from ebay for about £30 - this will allow you to program the key yourself, which is a pretty simple procedure, as long as you have 1 working fob already.

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