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Rear spoiler blanking plug for when rear mirror removed.

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My suspicion is that there may have been a 3rd party (not Toyota) part made at some point, which did the rounds for a while, sadly years on we've probably missed the boat.


Not overly bothered, as on a black car it hardly shows anyway, but I agree with the chaps, something could probably be fashioned for it.  Worst case could take it to a body shop and get them to fill and paint it?

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Hi. Either a floor bung, if it is round, or as I did on my old Toyota Townace Noah, I made an aluminium plate, painted it ans pop riveted it on with some sealer under it.

It worked fine!


John Harrison. Wallasey.

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Another option.......shape up some Miliput putty, paint it and either glue/silicone it in place.  Would probably work quite well (is great stuff).


I used it to repair the lower door sills on an old A3 I had......they were prone to having the ends snapped off when people opened the doors out onto things carelessly (pavements mainly!) but I found this stuff could easily be fashioned into the right shape and would attach itself on ok and provide a solid fix and once painted you could hardly tell they were ever broken.

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