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Anybody have any info on the operations of the IPA ecu?

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Had my GGH25 nearly two weeks now, and have realized it has the Intelligent Parking Assist function (in Japenese unfortunately). I have the 18 speaker stereo and head unit, so no easy switch to English as far as I know. (OEM head unit is the BT-013A with DVD/CD/TV and minidisc)

My primary question about the ECU is does anyone know whether the Japanese text/speech for the cameras/IPA  comes directly from the ECU or is provisioned when it hits the head unit?

I come from a computer tech background so considering whether I can get this working into another head unit.


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11 hours ago, OzManInBlack said:

Had my GGH25 nearly two weeks now, and have realized it has the Intelligent Parking Assist function (in Japenese unfortunately). I have the 18 speaker stereo and head unit, so no easy switch to English as far as I know. (OEM head unit is the BT-013A with DVD/CD/TV and minidisc)

My primary question about the ECU is does anyone know whether the Japanese text/speech for the cameras/IPA  comes directly from the ECU or is provisioned when it hits the head unit?

I come from a computer tech background so considering whether I can get this working into another head unit.


The ipa unit under passenger seat. 

It feeds data via a a gvif connection. 


The ipa is itself fed data from the 3 cameras, steering angle and sonar sensors.


In aftermarket systems, a gvif to poor quality phono connection is possible, so essentially just a video feed to provide to the new headunit, because you lose the direct feedback mechanism via gvif, i don't belief the self parking works anymore as you cannot select on screen where the car should target itself.


You should be able to retain the swapping between cameras via the button above the engine start button.

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23 hours ago, OzManInBlack said:

Chris, Any idea whether the missing control signals are on the GVIF i/f or I imagine  there might be a canbus link somewhere?

Something must be transferring from headunit screen presses, to the ipa, but I've not looked into off it is via the gvif or the canbus.


I attach wiring diagram, you will see both can and gvif connections, there are also lin connections for the sonar


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