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Almost reserved a 4B vehicle but do need some advice first!

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Hi everyone, I'm about to be sent an invoice to reserve I HOPE I've asked all the right questions however  there are a few  things I need some advice on....
1) I asked about the speedo showing miles and not KM - was told my SPEEDO would show what MPH I was doing, however the odometer  would continue reflect the KM the vehicle had covered - is this normal?  I'm guessing that switching it from showing KM covered to Miles might be seen as "clocking" but just want to check this is normal?
2)  I've read that I should look at getting the battery changed  and to have one with bigger terminals?  any advice on this ie battery size or  part number and what sort of cost should be involved in doing this as I'm guessing I will need to request they do it and pay for it (which I'm happy to do but may use it to mitigate any niggles I find 🙂

3) it's a 4.2 which I'm told has a chain not a cam belt and therefore never needs it changing?  is this true????
4) I've checked the  vehicle  is a 4B grade, has a BIMTA certificate, will be undersealed, will have a rear fog lamp and comes with 12months warranty and MOT with all advisories dealt with and I'm going to use a pure DAB radio gizmo so the radio will not be messed about with  but is there ANYTHING else you guys can think of?  thanks so much. 
Happy face!  quite excited!!!!   TIA everyone! 

Edited by Jixipix
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1) From your description sounds like they are only replacing the speedo dashboard/clocks. You can ask for the speedo chip to be fitted, the cost of the chip is around £50 and odometer will then record in MPH.

2)  Battery https://www.tayna.co.uk/car-batteries/yuasa/ybx3005/?gclid=CjwKCAjw3MSHBhB3EiwAxcaEu7oa0Nh8vpmUsU7cD7FRKAELbpWfApKVeqJzQriU7aMvVWyfDE0A7hoCB2MQAvD_BwE


3) True 2.4 has a chain

4) I would suggest to ask for the frame number and check if there are any outstanding recalls. Here is the link to check




Personally I would prefer to see under chassis condition before resealing to make sure there is no rust however as your grade is 4 you can trust the grade. I would still ask for the auction paperwork to see what is in there.

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Thanks Nov, they've said I can either transfer the deposit or if I'm not happy when I look at the vehicle I can have a full deposit, the vehicle is en route so I'm happy with that. Thanks for all the other info it's so useful. Looking forward to joining this happy band officially on n September. 😀

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