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wjvh last won the day on July 12 2023

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  • Name: Will
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Plenty of room for my Triumph pocket rocket too.
  2. Please post pics. Most of these things can be bought very cheap on eBay.
  3. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115727079273?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Bf7qveWcRpG&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=Bf7qveWcRpG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Correct! Straps not on yet, I depart Friday AM and will have the bike properly secured.
  5. Still got this big ol rig, nearly 2 years, it’s been brilliant. Can swallow a classic motorbike whole too!
  6. About £250 with Aviva. One of the main problems is that many insurers don’t recognise it as it was never an official UK market vehicle; however Aviva does. So far I’ve had no issues with them, I even paid a little bit extra to take it to Holland/Belgium this year and the premium was very reasonable, just £28 extra, about +10%.
  7. The AA and RAC sell separate cover and will give you whatever term is required; not cheap though
  8. Bought my 2005 v6 alphard last year and it came with a wide bore exhaust muffler. It’s a nice bit of kit, it looks good, sounds good but not offensive and there is no impact on economy or performance. the problem is that I have an aftermarket tow bar frame and it interferes with the exhaust muffler; I’ve got around this but it is only a temporary fix … SO … anyone want to swap their standard exhaust for my wide one? Come to my place, near Durham (Chester le street, near the A1 junction 63). I’ll do the swap, with new gaskets, and we’re done. Anyone up for this? pics show it as it is now, slung about 1 inch lower than would be on anyone else’s Alphard. Cheers, Will
  9. My Aviva quote went up …. By £10! And then I added Euro cover for £28, so £288 total. I didn’t even bother shopping around and took that. It even offers ‘business use’ as standard, not that I need it. That’s on 8000 miles per annum.
  10. @Gordio21 my figures are petrol, I haven’t converted to LPG ….yet. standard tank which is 60 litres I think. 65 litres, I just googled it, sounds about right. I usually fill when empty so about 60 litres each time (13.2 Uk gallons) from Which I get 600km, maybe a bit more (about 372 miles), so that’s about 28mpg. Getting more now the roof bars and canoe aren’t on.
  11. @Gordio21 420 miles or km per tank? I usually get 600km per tank = 373 miles. Looks like current tank is gonna give me 700km = 435 miles. (No canoe on roof!) my old motorbike runs fine on e10 but it can sit for weeks without being used and e10 fuel goes off much quicker than e5. And with 10% alcohol in it the e10 draws more moisture out of the air into the fuel, this then condenses in the fuel and sinks to the bottom of the tank where it can cause rust and other problems. So if fuel is going to sit around for a while go premium! I try to put e5 in my old bike if I can find it. E5 is up to 5% alcohol, often it is zero alcohol. Whereas e10 is definitely 10% alcohol.
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