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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hi. I enquired about a towbar for my Alphard. Western Towing (www.westerntowing.co.uk) in Exeter do them, so it might be worth ringing them on 01392 216336 as they may know someone local to you. Good luck
  2. Check you haven't accidentally left the interior lights on. It's very easy to hit the switch close to the driver's door mirror without realising
  3. Looked at both models and opted for the 3.0 - made the right choice as far as I'm concerned. No worries about carrying extra weight etc
  4. Mazda Bongo address is Westways Garage, St Columb Major TR8 4JQ email:- info@mazdabongocompany.co.uk
  5. Hi. We have an end fitted kitchen if you want to have a look at ours -we are near Bude. The Mazda Bongo company close to Newquay airport (TR8 4JQ) sell Alphards, so might be worth contacting them on 01637 880994
  6. Hi. We have an '04 model with a rear kitchen conversion. Yes we can operate it from inside with the back door closed if necessary. We went for the rear conversion as it allows us to have the entire width as a bed, as we didn't want to go for a roof conversion. Hope this is of use. Patrick
  7. HI again. Meant to say that Paul had a blank on site so just had to cut it and test it. I'm sure he would post you one
  8. i Quelch. Go to keytomycar.co.uk and speak to Paul on 07884 285570 - he's based in Barnstaple. I'm sure he will know someone up your way. Good luck. Patrick
  9. Hi. I was in the same situation and got another key cut with ease, but impossible to obtain another programmable fob. However, by opening the driver's door, the alarm goes off but as soon as the engine starts all is silent and you can drive away with no problem! Hope this helps.
  10. Hi Malcolm. We were in the same position as you regarding curtains or blinds. We got some Airtec Reflective Double insulation from Screwfix (1.2 x 25M £58). Used newspaper as a template and then cut out the insulation material. So far, it works well without the need for any fastenings eg velcro. We cut out the "windows" slightly larger than the template so that it's a snug fit. Hope this is of some help
  11. Many thanks everyone for your great ideas.
  12. Help please. What do you do to make the bed comfortable when seats are down to fill in the ridges? Many thanks Patrick
  13. Hi. I only had one key with fob and got another key cut last year. Without the fob, when unlocking the door with the key, the alarm goes off. However once you’ve started the car, the alarm goes off and you can drive away. Maybe I’m lucky, but no need for a second fob
  14. Many thanks for that Trevor
  15. Thanks for that, but I’ve drawn a complete blank with eBay
  16. We recently looked into this for our 2004 Alphard without much success; most appeared to be privacy blinds and none were blackout ones. In the end we bought a roll of Thermawrap General Purpose Insulation in a roll for about £30 from Screwfix, cut some window templates using newspaper and they fit in the windows without the need of any fixings.
  17. Looking for a satnav disk of the UK for my 2004 Alphard. Does anyone know where I might be able to get one please? The number on the bottom right hand corner of the screen is 16067 if that helps. Many thanks Patrick
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