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  • Name: J
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Petrol (02-08)
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  1. Nope, both manual doors.
  2. Yeah, Im pretty sure the battery is good. As you say, I don't think it's independently fused.
  3. It's not permanently attached at the moment though, only to the existing gutter strip. Which seems to be fine. Should ideally permanently screw to the bodywork I guess. Haven't tried it yet though as the weather is hideous.
  4. Tiger seal and self tappers.
  5. Seems one of my side doors isn't locking or unlocking on the central locking. Before I start taking the door apart to check the actuator, is there anything simple I should be checking? Cheers.
  6. I've just fitted a plastic c rail to the roof of mine and have a cheap "maypole" awning/sun canopy that looks very similar to the pic. As it's only going to be a fair weather awning I've tiger sealed and self tapped the plastic rail to the existing gutter strip. Saves me holing any metal work. I've adhered it to all but the last 6 inches or so at the end as the pop top flares out towards the back and don't want it fouling. It seems strong enough but will let you know when I try it out. The canopy was about £75, one of these: https://youtu.be/jPQJK89U8jo The plastic rail here: https://www.ukleisureparts.co.uk/shop/awning-rail-c-channel-black-plastic/ Total cost was only about £110. So fingers crossed 😅
  7. I've just had mine converted by funky ram in Bristol (Avonmouth). They were brilliant. Took a bit longer than expected but supply issues and covid meant that was inevitable really. Fit and finish are awesome, and it was a good chunk cheaper than most of the others. They're pretty new to Alphard conversions but I really can't find fault with the work. Upholstery in particular is amazing. Team are really helpful and friendly. Highly recommended. I've got a full side conversion with pop top.
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