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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by skippy992

  1. Hi I fitted a front and rear dash cam was going to fit the cable under the mats but opted to run the cable along the roof lining just along the edge using a trim removal tool to lift plastic trims and tuck cable out of sight. Then when reaching tailgate removed rear plastic trim cut a tiny piece out so cable wasn’t snagged when opening and closing boot fitted camera to rear glass been a year since fitting all working ok. The problem you have is powering yours from the tailgate area mines powered and controlled from front camera which is the normal mine is a 4K one which you can access recordings without removing cameras straight on to your phone no problem either with the very dark tinted rear glass for recordings. Let me know and I can put some pictures and model nos of what I installed and fitment if it helps.
  2. Try disconnecting your Bluetooth sometimes it can lock up with your phone which would mute the sound
  3. Ok thanks for that was thinking that would be the one to go for it’s at a good price here at the moment in 6litre packs
  4. Hi Any recommendations on best oil to use in this model living in perth Australia so can reach high 30s in the summer months has 72k any suggestions welcome first oil change since import from Japan so many conflicting reports some say 10w 30 or 10w 40 semi or fully synthetic.
  5. I would contact Paul Bowden at jap auto agent he is super reliable just charges a flat fee of about a £1000 I’ve imported an elgrand through him when I lived in the Uk he gets the best cars he even has some on his YouTube page ready in Japan for sale hope that helps beware there are some dodgy dealers out the lying about true mileages on these cars hope this helps.
  6. Hi i have the same model as you imported from Japan did the head unit retain all the cameras and steering controls as I’ve heard that this can happen I’ve enquired on Ali express about a head unit but none I was told from one supplier was suitable but I see you’ve replaced air con controls as well did it come with all connectors and adapters mine is the GL model with premium sound would be interested in the Ali express link . I’m in Perth Wa. also looking at these trims even though there for the series 30 as well as I’m sure thy will fit 20 series from Ali express $106 delivered just breaks all the white door panels up a bit.
  7. My guess it’s a 3 way cigarette lighter socket but can’t see right inside socket 1 found a hidden socket in my 2008 alphard which was a socket used it to plug my dash cam into.
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