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Oddcouple last won the day on March 19 2023

Oddcouple had the most liked content!

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  • Name: Odd
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Vellfire 350 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. I use cross climate on my car and the Vellfire. Been really good for me, and when we get the yearly whiteout, confidence on the road. Also with the van, with 4wd and crossclimates on, pretty sure I’ll get out of most muddy fields. I uped the load rating and speed rating (got a better deal on the higher speed rating)
  2. Northstar again, cannot fault the workmanship or service. We has a wee niggle with a couple of bits, they paid for the return ferry, fixed it all in a couple of hours, gave us a car to explore the island in while getting sorted. They were massively busy yesterday so unsure what wait times are currently, but well worth the wait!
  3. Paid £285 for our 3.5 v6 Vellfire for 1st year..
  4. Off to the IOW today, but will get a list of fuel stops up!
  5. So, a bit of facts and figures for you. NC500 was in fact 1802 miles from start to finish. We averaged 30mpg over the entire journey, and we were down to 19mpg over some of the roads in the highlands so actually very pleased. Van was fully laden to cover us for 12 days, stayed sensible on the motorways going up, about 60 on cruise control, will admit to not quite as sensible coming back, mostly 70 but still a good overall average which could’ve been even better if I kept the speed a wee bit lower.
  6. Some proper Scottish weather this morning, see if you can spot it in the pictures….beautiful campsite in Dornoch tonight, outstanding facilities and location.
  7. Not much longer to put up with updates….Great drive along the north coast today, compulsory stop at John O Groats for signpost picture then down the east coast to Wick for tonight’s stop. Filled up in Truro, £1.71, could also have filled up in Wick at Tesco. Campsite a little more basic tonight, but absolutely fine for a night.
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