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Teekay last won the day on January 24 2023

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  • Name: Teekay
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Vellfire 350 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Link to the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@cuttothechase
  2. I find this site is great ->> https://toyota-club.net/files/02_st-expl.htm
  3. Hi @Picasso I've pm'ed you but you might not have seen it
  4. sorry its probably stupid question, where to find the part number for oil filter from the PDFs? I was going to head to local Eurocarpart / GSF - I feel lost when I need to tell them what is dreaded 'PART NUMBER" for air filter, cabin filter, engine oil, coolant, spark plug and so on.. I find it all too taxing to figure out..
  5. I wonder if this works for 2nd Gen Alphards/Vellfires?
  6. do you mean there might be one somewhere in the car and I need to find it?
  7. I need one and my friend has it missing too. Where to buy it? What is the part number?
  8. Can you please share where you purchased it? Is it pdf format? Which generation? Thanks
  9. By the way I thought it will be pdf of a book that can be viewed on the go but it is more a software with turns and roundabout. So if car breaks down, need to have laptop handy? I don't have experience with this, may be this is standard approach of viewing workshop manuals? We got some experts in group who might be able to comment
  10. 1 I ordered it using the link shared above and was easy to pay via apple pay - 8 quid 2 Got email screenshot as below (Spanish mail) 3. Downloaded the.rar file 4. Extracted it (using 7.zip - if helps anyone) 5. There is a video mp4 showing how to install some Chrome add on extension 6. Screenshot show what is in the folder I'll need to dust off a spare burner laptop to install anything and see how it works.. Might take time when I get to that.. That's my update so far
  11. Thankyou very much for sharing this 👏👏 I've ordered one. How long does it take for the electronic delivery/email? I've just ordered one
  12. wow - is that it? This might be what we have been looking all along. Mine is Vellfire but I guess its same - Alphard or Vellfire Has anyone purchased it? Does it look any good? Any feedback / comments before I give them my card details!
  13. wow.. can you please share it? is it PDF or link? Translation is not huge problem as you said with Google translate.. better than complete blind fold
  14. I have noticed in last one year Eurocarparts have started listing Alphards in their Vehicle search when looking for parts. I can't believe the service / repair / mechanic manual are still not available still - so let me try asking Millionth Time(please excuse me!), does anyone know if there are MECHANIC MANUAL (NOT User Manuals) available anywhere? We know https://toyota.epc-data.com/ is great resource but I'm after proper Repair Manual. By the way some friend suggested https://www.toyodiy.com/tech/diy_.html is very good website but unfortunately there is no reference of Alphards and Vellfires there..sharing for information.
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