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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Steve in Chester

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Everything posted by Steve in Chester

  1. I spent a bit of time going though the screens today in the car scanner app. I’ll attach some screenshots of the various options. This is what I see when I’ve got the app paired to the car. I click coding and service and get this warning. Click yes and I get this. Then within these options are the following. Obviously, it will be different for other models but that is what I see for mine. I can now open and shut all the windows remotely from the key fob, which is nice.
  2. Hi Mick, the developer has a website which has quite a lot of info on it: https://www.carscanner.info the iOS app is here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/car-scanner-elm-obd2/id1259933623?mt=8 and the android app is here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ovz.carscanner I paid £5.99 for the “pro” version as the free version only allows 3 changes to be made but at least you can check it works for free before paying. I’ve not used any others to compare it with.
  3. The Alphard was beeping constantly if I put too much stuff on the passenger seat which was annoying. My last car was from the 90’s and didn’t beep for anything! That was a Toyota too! I’ll do some screenshots of the options over the weekend, there were quite a few.
  4. That’s a good feature. I’ll look into the windows opening and closing on the remote.
  5. I should of added: In the Car Scanner app the connection profile I selected was “Toyota JOBD JDM CAN”. Regards, Steve.
  6. Hello everyone, first post. I’ve recently bought an OBDLink MX+ Bluetooth OBD adapter and downloaded the Car Scanner app onto my iPhone. This combination is compatible with my 2008 3.5 V6 Alphard. Using the Car Scanner app I have been able to deactivate the seat belt warning on the drivers and passengers sides and set the automatic headlight delay from normal to long. The auto headlights are too sensitive and sometimes flash on off when driving under bridges, hopefully the long setting will stop this. As for seat belt warnings, can’t adults make their own decisions? There are a lot more options but I think it’s wise to change only a few at a time, drive the car for a few days to check everything’s ok, then make any more changes. If anyone else is thinking of this, buy a decent OBD dongle, make sure to press the engine run button twice without pressing the brake pedal (ignition on, engine off), disconnect the app before unplugging and finally, the Car Scanner app allows 3 changes before you need to pay for the pro version. I plan on making more changes so I’ll buy the pro version and keep you posted. Regards, Steve.
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