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Nigel Heyward

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Everything posted by Nigel Heyward

  1. What would the good folk in this club do without Picasso?.
  2. Definitely check out conversion companies, North Star told us they throw them out by the skipload.
  3. My first thought would be Jap Auto parts.
  4. Glad they were of use.
  5. Haven't seen any updates on the meet up for this year, unfortunately we were unable to attend this one so just wondering how it went.
  6. That's very useful info guys, handy to know.
  7. Have to agree with Rojie, as you live on the IOW, take a visit to Northstar and have a chat with them, outstanding company in all things Alphard.
  8. Hi Phil, we have a 2003 Alphard with rear conversion, our mattress is a Vango 75cm self inflating purchased from Amazon, and I can confirm it's very comfortable.
  9. Still, the extra length would be nice 😃
  10. The big problem here is everyone who gets a conversion done ends up with seats that seemingly nothing can be done with, and as you say, they are quality, I also have two rear seats left over and I'm hoping at some point to make a base for them to fit on and use in our Summer house.
  11. Kramerica, sorry, I have no idea about that.
  12. Well that's a surprise Eddie, Steve was usually pretty good with comms when I had dealings with him, hope nothing untoward has occurred with him, other than that, don't know what to suggest.
  13. We had ours made by Steve at Odysseycarpets.co.uk, very pleased with both the quality and the fit, recommended.
  14. My first thought would be Auto Jap spares.
  15. I finally took delivery of my cover from Auto covers UK a couple of weeks ago, and fitted it today for the first time, well, to say I'm disappointed with it would be a bit of an understatement, the quality of the cover itself seems fine, but where they got their sizes from is a mystery, it's about 3 inches too short in length, so doesn't stretch under the rear bumper, and I'm the width it comes up a good 5 inches short on each side, in addition, the positioning of the front straps is such that I have to literally feed it through the wheels to get it to work, generally unimpressed.
  16. Thanks dezufo, makes good sense.
  17. OK, upon further investigation, I now think this may actually be some kind of drainage tube as I discovered a small white clip of the correct diameter that points the tube down the bottom of the van, I think that it was never put back correctly before.
  18. Hi Guys n' Gals, a little enlightenment needed if anybody can help, I have removed the rear seats from my 2003 Alphie and found in the lower storage compartment that everything in there was wet, upon further investigation I found a tube in the space that houses the Jack and safety triangle, that isn't connected, but did have a little liquid in it, common sense tells me that it's the rear washer feed as it clearly runs up the inner frame to the top of the vehicle, however, I can neither see, nor feel anything that it should be attached to coming from the front, any ideas gratefully received.
  19. As I write, I am STILL awaiting delivery from Auto covers uk, it's getting ridiculous now.
  20. Rojie, there sees to be a bit of a grey area on sizings with these covers, especially the 'off the shelf one size fits all', varieties, there's a company on Amazon, Mobile Garage, that do a lot of van covers, and each size is designed to fit a few vehicle models, so obviously just a 'general' fit, which I suppose would be OK, however, I'd be worried about it flapping off in a stiff wind, which is mainly the reason I stuck with Auto covers, it's a bit more expensive, but hopefully will fit perfectly.
  21. When I started getting issues with Auto covers, I looked into alternatives and found the stormforce cover which would definitely have been my next option, my only concern with that one was the sizing for my particular van, don't know about the Voyager, but note on the write up that it's only water resistant, not waterproof which you might find an issue, definitely worth considering the stormforce though, as the one I'm buying has gone up in price considerably, now £259.00.
  22. Update.......finally had a reply from a lady at the company, very apologetic and explaining the cancellation issue, have now had my CC refunded and have re-ordered, so hopefully a product review will follow.
  23. OK, as an update for any members following this topic with perhaps a view on purchasing a cover from Auto covers UK, be aware that after nearly three weeks since confirming my order, they have informed me (only because I contacted them first & asked for status), that they have cancelled it due to them updating their bank details, whatever that means, it smacks of a touch of BS to me, anyway, after getting an initial reply I am now getting no contact either by email or phone, my recommendation is 'AVOID '.
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