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About Zen

  • Birthday January 14

Personal Information

  • Name: Zain Salim
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Vellfire 350 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Ahh OK. When you start the car, does the voice say the current date and time?
  2. When driving my vellfire, I sometimes get a voice from the head unit system. When this happens, a few pictures also play on the navigation screen. It looks like the pictures are showing landmarks or something similar. Does anyone know what the voice is saying, and what those picture mean?
  3. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Twin-Dual-Port-2-USB-12V-Car-Auto-Lighter-Socket-Charger-Adaptor-TOYOTA-Uk-Sell-/114437566206?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Maybe I could open try and open it and bypass the 12V-5V convertor. How easy do they look to open?
  4. Has this been seen or done before? I can't think of anything that is only powered when the ignition is on in the tailgate area.
  5. I can view HDD information, but the button's used to browse the HDD are ghosted out. What might be the cause of this? At first I thought the HDD was missing, but 70% of it is in use.
  6. Do these exist with a cigarette lighter port instead of the USBs? I need it to output 12V instead of 5V.
  7. I would like to fit a rear dashcam onto my 2010 Vellfire. One way I could do this is to feed a wire from the middle console unit usb, under the floor mats and then up along the side and along the ceiling. The dashcam isn't an extension of the main dashcam, like this but is a seperate dashcam unit. I can only think of this method, apart from using the power from inside the boot (which I don't know how to do). What other methods could I use to install it?
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