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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Clutha

  1. Heavy oil is usually a marine fuel in large motor ships! It looks like crude oil and has to be heated to keep it moving😂 I agree 100%, somebody’s dropped a clanger
  2. How does this look to the experts? Local garage is going to do oil change for me. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/395621035104?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=PHlmyqLlRQm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=inFbBs81TL6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165010260366?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1g6e52n0RZW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=inFbBs81TL6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Anyone use Gendan diagnostic gear. I have old software from them on an old windows laptop bought just for resetting a DPF on our previous motorhome. (known fault on Bosch sensor) When I bought Gendans cables for m/h they advised that with the cable a had for a previous vehicle I’d enough to check anything🤔 I’m curious to know what, if any, gear Alphard folks use for checking faults
  4. £40 for 4? Good price compared to eBay.
  5. All is well! Went out expecting major investigations & the van is back to normal! Did the Alphard fairies pay a visit? Door locking by switches all ok, (after resetting), interior lights working, fired her up, couple of manoeuvres on the drive & all seems ok. Battery connections checked, all good, 12.3v. Self fixing vehicles are great.
  6. Michael, the heater works but only if you select max ie ‘Hi’ Apparently theres a disc type controller (shown on YouTube Alphard repairs) that has 3 arms like a mini record player, they can wear out causing heater malfunction. My water levels fine.
  7. Release button had already vanished when I bought the van. I was already planning to get in behind the panel you suggest as the heater control has stopped working too. To get heat it has to be at max, anything below that gives no heat 😬
  8. In this case the battery was not disconnected. I’d arrived home, parked up all as normal, operated driver door interior ’all doors locked switch & nothing happened, all electrical power seemed to failed, no interior lights, no panel lights on insertion of ignition key, auto gear shift locked. Anyway, investigations postponed until SWMBO gets diy done to her satisfaction 🙄
  9. Got this guide which will be followed as soon as the rain stops🙄 Why Does My Car Not Have Any Electrical Power At All?.pdf
  10. They checked the battery condition which showed up ok. I’m guessing they thought the alternator must be doing its job. As battery voltage increased after run yesterday I’m assuming alternator is ok. I waited a while to check it. It had risen to 12.45v from 12.25v after run. I’m guessing there’s something re the jamming gear shift and the loss of electrics, but 1st job will be remove all battery terminals & clean them. I won’t be allowed to touch van until I complete loft flooring job😂
  11. Thanks, let me do a thorough check of all battery connections. I did have an issue with one (not the main +ve) a long time ago when it was very slightly loose. (I lost daylight when it all happened today)
  12. Voltage on return from run (after 30 mins cool down) 12.45 by Fluke straight onto battery posts. The thing that’s puzzled me most is door interior locking switches, courtesy lights, ignition lights all not coming on, plus this issue with gear shift sticking in ‘park’ Daylight was fading so I give up after establishing I could release gear stick with cunningly placed chopstick 😎
  13. Out for a warm up run today after charging battery over 24 hours. Battery tested as ok at Halfords but suspected our weeks of <5 Deg had dragged it down. Tested at 12.25v before run, 12.45 a while after getting back but…… Parked up at house, operated drivers door lock switch to lock all doors, no clicks 😳 Tried ignoring key back in, no inst panel lights, tried moving gear shift out of P, locked! Got gizmo to poke down where missing manual lock button should be, got on to gear shift release, tried ignition with gear change in all positions, still no joy + it locked in P every time it was moved there. Nothing electrical is coming on including interior lights. I don’t have a remote key, only manual . Kinda stumped! Van ran perfectly earlier. HELP 🙏
  14. Wire hiding can be a satisfying job😂 On our car I needed an extra 12v socket for dashcam, there was one available in the boot. I got a set of rubber seal release plastic tools and after 30 mins job done. 99% hidden.
  15. And thanks from me!
  16. Hi Colin, after a lot of unsuccessful faff identifying our radio make & solutions to updating it I got a Carpuride unit. I connect my iPhone to it & get Apple play. It works fine. Downside is visible cable connections for phone & power. If you go for low cost unit the speaker isn’t great so I occasionally take a small Bluetooth one along. It’s windscreen mounted and the provided gear is good. I’m happy with it. Probably a fraction of the cost of total change of head unit
  17. Great! Definitely something amiss with the one you described. I was out in ours today re checking settings, in D or R engine sits at 1000rpm and on the flat van moves at walking speed. In neutral engine is at 600rpm
  18. Creep? It was like an F1 car 😂 I went round the (quiet) block in ‘D’ without touching the accelerator including slight inclines, not shuddering from engine, all very smooth. I'm retired so no rush hour driving, just clear roads where I’m going. I think there are settings to be looked at on yours.
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