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Everything posted by Clutha

  1. Discussing with better half the (left foot) parking brake. I’m encouraging her to drive our (automatic) van and sometimes getting tied in knots re explaining hill starts. Now we’ve had it over a year I feel comfortable with the procedure only getting occasional issues on mini roundabouts on steep hills 😂 Anyway my question is does this brake operate on two wheels & is it fronts?
  2. Hi Ann, I used a vehicle dismantling EBay site to get a part recently. It’s a central point for dismantlers to market their stuff. The part (rear light cover) cost a 1/3 of the new price and was in perfect condition. If you’re interested I’ll dig out contact details. BTW Our local garage had difficulty getting parts info for MOT prep. I think the issue was the vehicle being a Japanese import. His parts supplier was stumped. Rojie (?) on here sorted things out for me re part nos. 😉
  3. Great news , I’ll give that a try 😉
  4. The water that ran out of that cavity did not appear to be restricted much. A torrent observed coming down behind front wheels when I flushed it.
  5. Having a general spring clean around the nooks & crannies where our ancient forest spreads general tree grunge over our AH10. The 16 hole drain made me wonder where it drained to. Deep in the darkness it looked like ‘nowhere’! A thick mass of seeds & gunge was observed in the deep black pit. I had my trusty old workshop vac out anyway so with the multi small tube crevice clearing attachment I set to work. About 15 minutes either side and clean metal was spotted. It would have been easier with a long flat nozzle. Beggars can’t be choosers. Copious amounts of water proved all was clear and self was told to pay more attention. My defence is our area has had a winter of monsoons and gales, & parking is under wall to wall big old trees. i rest my case m’lud.
  6. I have pump noise but very poor flow or none. Just watched a YouTube video on taking the bumper off, apparently the only way to get into reservoir & pumps. Before I do that I’ve ordered hose couplers and I’m going to split the rear washer hose in the engine bay and confirm if pump has lost performance. Bumper removal looks tricky for one pair of hands 🙄
  7. Welcome Tony, good choice of van! We’ve had our 2002 A10 2.4 G for a year now, love it. If there’s anything you need info on you’ve come to the right place 😉
  8. The switch is like this minus the graphic on top right one.
  9. Good info in previous posts! Can I assume the small square switch beside the mirror adjustment controls is for folding them in? Mine doesn’t have a graphic on it, and nothing happens if I operate it. Also I’ve noticed on the mirrors what looks like a heating element near the bottom of the glass. No sign of a switch for it and I see in the previous posts a fuse number for ‘mirr HTR’ Our car (Suzuki Vitara) mirrors are linked into rear screen heater switch, the Alphard rear screen heater is working but doesn’t seem linked to the mirrors.
  10. If you look up Gendan on the web they do software that can be used via a Windows laptop and advised cables for your vehicle. I got it for a troublesome motorhome sensor, and it covered all alarms.
  11. Our Suzuki Vitara has instant fuel consumption read out, with aircon on it shows 2-3 mpg increase consumption.
  12. Thanks, I’ll be signing on tonight and will report back😎
  13. Thanks, I’ll be signing on tonight and will report back😎
  14. Concur ! In our well below zero temps recently mine were giving no assistance whatsoever, today in a balmy 8degC gate positively flew open 😂
  15. Thanks, no. is SE52LDN, imported. Called in a local Toyota showroom & informed it might be discontinued 😂😂😂 Does the earlier post with parts diagram look useful?
  16. Is it possible to get a part number for tailgate struts (non powered) for an A10 Alphard?
  17. Hi Kim & welcome to the happy Alphards! We got ours about 10 months ago and I love driving it. Ours came with a Fiamma double bike rack which is really solid. We’d like to try an awning via sucker attachment points as ours has a pop up roof so drive away awning might be tricky.
  18. I’m trying to fix a rear washer jet which has had a poor flow since we got vehicle in April, (‘52 reg). I’ve seen an entry in our JPNZ manual that suggests washer tank is 3ltr. I had another go at problem solving today as there was nothing coming out yesterday & our roads are manky from being salted. I got a <1min dribble, (not personally 😂) Now I know there is only one tank & pump I’m sure it’s some kind of blockage. The pump seems fine, front screen jets are flowing well. Getting to the tank/pump looks hard, possibly headlamp removal job😳
  19. Update! Long story short, it lives! Under the bonnet hunting for fuses, gave battery cables a tweek, +ve one had slight movement on eyelet connector, clamp was tight on batt. post. Quick tighten up and viola, she runs. Batt. charging levels in pics attached. Things are looking up!
  20. The dreaded auto shift lock raised its ugly head! Like most owners the black button is awol, and this is the 1st time I’ve had a start fail. I managed the screwdriver trick but there was no joy getting the engine started just a light click from under the bonnet. As I’ve been charging the battery I was surprised. It showed reasonable charge level on charging control panel, (camper van conversion. I hooked up my power pack, still no joy. I managed to get gear lever into neutral & voila, a start! Now it’s back to non starting, not even turning with or without power pack. Any hints/advice most welcome!
  21. Final episode! (On this matter 😉) Charger back on this morning and fairly confident engine battery is near max. Electrical system panel is just flickering a green led for eng. batt. indicating max charge. Leisure batt. charge leds now showing two orange, so well on the rise. Nice to know system of switching from eng. batt. leisure one works when charging up by this method. I’ve only monitored panel when on campsite hook ups. So, a nice wee learning curve + forum discussion 😉 Thanks again peeps!
  22. Forgot to mention we’re in a flat! Frequent dangling of power lead happens, so my charger is hooked up now & all seems well. Long term maybe a higher output solar (controlled) system will be invested in. Camping & caravan show in Glasgow coming up! 😂
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