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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Clutha

  1. Forgot to mention we’re in a flat! Frequent dangling of power lead happens, so my charger is hooked up now & all seems well. Long term maybe a higher output solar (controlled) system will be invested in. Camping & caravan show in Glasgow coming up! 😂
  2. Tend to agree with this method, eg before 2-3 weeks lay off with dodgy foot, I used the van once a week to go to a volunteering job, a 50 mile round trip mostly motorway/dual carriageway. I think the lay off & cold weather dragged battery down to 11.7v. Two days out & about got it back up so I’m happy it’s ok, < 3 year old Bosch. I’m just kicking around a use for this low output solar panel 😂 Interesting info folks, thanks!
  3. 1.5 W. If the van was parked up all day I intended to plug it in. Checking voltage today while charging engine battery (rising well, was 12.8v) but at joint battery panel inside, the leisure battery led indicators showed it charge was rising too. I presume this was due to the settings on the split charging regulators. I was using a standard battery charger on the engine battery.
  4. I’m about to try slowing down camper van engine battery voltage drop by connecting an inherited 1.5W solar panel. I'm assuming this output is too low to make a controller necessary. What do the team think? The panel is an heirloom from our disposed of motorhome & it’s output described as ‘maybe slowing down rate of discharge ‘ Our Alphy was showing signs of low battery charge, (11.8v) due to enforced idleness when its owner got severe gout in my left foot! (I’m better now) So, is there any danger in my proposal? I assume panel should be disconnected when on the move?
  5. My NZ manual tells me the one on the left is headlights auto on sensor. Is the one on the right the central locking indicator + armed alarm system ? I have no remote key 🙄
  6. All back together, fabric glue seems ok. Material was also starting to come adrift from head lining so that’s been glued too + minor splits on drivers visor.
  7. Good news on visor removal (ignore YouTube!) It’s held in by 2 screw’s hidden behind the ‘half’ cover. Pics to follow 😉
  8. Good news on visor removal (ignore YouTube!) It’s held in by 2 screw’s hidden behind the ‘half’ cover. Pics to follow 😉
  9. Anyone had them off ? The covering material has started to come away at the edge at the top of the visor, both sides. I’ve just had a fiddle about at the attachment points but nothings come loose so time to consult the experts ! 😂 I got some fabric glue and might resort to an ‘ in situ ‘ method. Not ideal🙄 2002 G model. Good news is she’s got a new MOT 😍
  10. Update! another fill up after a 50/50 mix of motorway and urban roads gave 27mpg.
  11. Anyone dealt with this firm? My son in law is keen to get a people carrier and is impressed with their prices. Their stock looks good.
  12. Spares arrived at garage this morning! Outstanding service!
  13. 2002 imported 2.4 campervan conversion down at a local garage for MOT prep. Advisorys include front suspension wear, garages usual spares suppliers not able to get parts quoting ‘it’s an import’! I’m told he might have to go to Toyota😳 I get onto a converter who sold me a great Bongo many moons ago and is now converting Alphards. We use https://www.autojapspares.co.uk/ they tell me. My man tells me what’s needed I give him Autojap details and parts are despatched this morning. 🤞 Further bulletins will be advised 😉😎
  14. Just back from a trip down to Scottish Borders via M74 & M9 with some other minor A roads, well chuffed with 30 mpg. Motorway miles at 60mph, back roads only allowed 40-50 and there were some steep hills from Moffat to Peebles. Converted van with usual luggage for 4 day trip. E10 fuel.
  15. I’ve been studying YouTube too but still haven’t found my ICE unit. Vehicle is an import, 2002 build Alphard G. I’ve seen it given an A10 designation. The unit has a tilt screen, CD & MD and has ‘Toyota 16036’ marked at top left corner. Any assistance welcome 🤞
  16. Hi, the only bit of kit our van didn’t have a manual for was the Waeco fridge. Am I right in thinking the vent control should be left open when unit is empty?
  17. Thanks for the links, I’m hoping to suss out my 2002 Alphard G radio functions before looking into changeout options. Currently investigating minidisc use 😉
  18. Many thanks.
  19. Hi Tony, just changed all wiper blades on our ‘new to us’ Alphard. Certainly had a battle with the rear, behind a bike rack! Arm was tightly stuck on the taper so off came the blade and the fun started changing the rubber part. Halfords only had front screen blades so it looks like rear will be a Toyota part. Luckily I had old blades the right size with useable rubbers so after 30 mins cursing they were fitted to the ‘Toyota’ blade. 1st job on the van & it’s great to get back to tinkering 😂 Continue to be impressed with this forum. BTW, does the Alphard have OBD socket? Gordon
  20. Hi Tony, just changed all wiper blades on our ‘new to us’ Alphard. Certainly had a battle with the rear, behind a bike rack! Arm was tightly stuck on the taper so off came the blade and the fun started changing the rubber part. Halfords only had front screen blades so it looks like rear will be a Toyota part. Luckily I had old blades the right size with useable rubbers so after 30 mins cursing they were fitted to the ‘Toyota’ blade. 1st job on the van & it’s great to get back to tinkering 😂 Continue to be impressed with this forum. BTW, does the Alphard have OBD socket? Gordon
  21. Thanks, I don’t have any problem moving out of P, but from previous auto boxes (Mazda Bongo) I’m operating brake pedal.
  22. Mine is awol! As purchased recently. Time for a stupid question. I looked on eBay hoping to see what it was like, pics show a plastic item with no electrical connections, so…. What exactly does it do & what are the consequences of it not being available?
  23. Mine is awol! As purchased recently. Time for a stupid question. I looked on eBay hoping to see what it was like, pics show a plastic item with no electrical connections, so…. What exactly does it do & what are the consequences of it not being available?
  24. Picked up my new to me Alphard last week and called in for petrol on way home, no E5 at Esso garage 🙄 Huge price difference in our area, maybe 50/50 blend is the answer when filling up to max?
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