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  • Name: Neeraj
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Vellfire 350 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. I went to see the car here but did not buy from him ,called him later after getting car from somewhere about service, he is happy to do oil and filter service along with gearbox at reasonable price https://www.japanglasgowmotors.co.uk/ I think his name is Bilaal
  2. By any chance ,do you have any pictures taken for connections done, I have been sent couple by dvdgpsnav along with a separate loom which I will need for my backdrop monitor but not convinced on how would it connect to car,my back screen drop is controlled through the screen so no manual pull option
  3. May be ,it's a Royal Lounge,maybe they have something fitted for back seat executives
  4. Does any one knows what's the top right empty slot is for ,I guess my radio?AM FM
  5. Yes it has DVD and MD
  6. Thank you it helped
  7. When I put gear knob to most downward which is D ,electronics on Head Unit is still on eventhough car is not ,is it safe to remove or add connections while it's still powered ? Regards Neeraj
  8. Will do, thanks for inputs
  9. Thank You atlanticcobra2023, will try that,
  10. Could not take climate control out yet but manged to take photo of back of unit ,seems different from other pictures in this thread
  11. In this video I can see he is just pulling it out but it's far to understand how
  12. I am trying to see of I can take put head unit , any idea how to detach climate control section ,it's coming out along with head unit TA
  13. Hi guys Probably a dumb question, how to remove any blank switch to replace with something else? Regards
  14. Hi all ,just bought a vellfire 2008 ,still struggling with dropdown back monitor, does not have any button to flip it down ,any idea what do I need to select to bring it down,HU picture attached,any pointers will be helpful Thank you
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