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Everything posted by CBBrundall

  1. Hi there...Intreasting subject that, i have water "sloshing" noise behind the dashboard....do you know where the drain plugs are on a Alphard 2.4 ? Kind Regards Chris B
  2. Greetings owners.. I have sloshing water sound, which sounds like it's coming from behind the dashboard, I presume the drains are blocked and the water had nowhere to go. Can anyone advise " where " the drains are located and how to unblock the muck... 2004 Alphard converted camper.. Chris B
  3. Could be the wrong petrol as well...E5 is far better....ours came on as well and we replaced, was advised E5 in furure
  4. Anyone stopping overnight before the meet up ? Cheap hotel ? Camping ? recommendations ?
  5. Hi there....is there another meet up on the horizon for this year ? I missed the last one...which was annoying Krgds Chris B
  6. Good luck on your first camping trip !
  7. Nice wheels and Graphics my Scottish friends.... Krgds Chris B
  8. Hi there..i had to miss last years as well...but looking at the suggestions, Donnington or Silverstone have to be a good bet i reckon....with camping available as well!..... What dates are we talking about ?
  9. Indeed...NOBODY seems to know....it's bizzare
  10. Morning guys/girls SO...Did anyone ever resolve this issue....better to run Alfie's on E5 OR E10 ?
  11. Thanks one and all....It was me being a idiot i think.... Thanks guys... Sorry for asking! Krgds Chris Dimbo!
  12. Hi ya....Anyone tell me what this light on the dash indicates....I'm struggling here..just come on..wont go off ?
  13. Hi ya....Many thanks,,,,sounds like a non starter then,...Hmmmm
  14. Hi ya....so i basically want a Fiamma or Thurle roll out awning attached... I see Northstar conversions supply and attach them ..
  15. Morning all....Intreasted to know if anyone has got a Fiamma rail added to their Alphards.....worth the expense ? and if so, can anyone recommend a good company that will add it ontoa Alphard... Krgds Chris B
  16. Hi there....If the date fits with me..I will be there.. Thanks alot Chris B
  17. Hi..have a side conversion with just a cooler box..no fixed fridge..just wondered whats the advantages of having a solar panel fitted?.....saves on "hooks ups? Cheers Chris B
  18. Hi there anyone added a fiamma awning to their alphard ? if so…what size ?…Recommend anyone to ring or email ?
  19. Hi...we have a great one fitted...u want a photo ? Or are u sorted ?
  20. Many thanks... Not the answer I wanted...but I thought that might be the case.. Cheers Anyway Sir
  21. Hi there...anyone know how u can flick a switch to stop the constant beep beep beep when you are reversing ?
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