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Everything posted by Sorin

  1. Hi Mitch, this is the one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/166463511541?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=sODE7-S-RAO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4VUOd8_gQG6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. @Chris.ac please, do you know what other parts are in this circuit? Where else should I look?
  3. Hi, a little update. I have purchased a preowned acceleration pedal with the throttle sensor, but the error is still there and the car is behaving as before. What else could it be?
  4. I went yesterday at the garage and asked them to check the compression and it looks ok. They said that there is no need to do a engine rebuild. Apparently, the "mayo" in that breather pipe is normal as it handles oil vapours as well. Thank you all for your help!
  5. I do every day 10 mile to work and 10 miles back, sometimes I do also some short journeys too on top of my work travel
  6. The car sat for a year, then I start using it a month ago!
  7. I think I found the problem, one hose was cracked! Also, is the yellowish liquid normal inside the vacuum pipes?
  8. @Picasso, hi! Can you please help me with the same error? More exactly do you have any schematics of where the sensors are, maf or lambda sensors?
  9. I bought and fitted an Xtrons TIE124 unit, I am very happy with it, strongly recommend to have a look at this brand!
  10. Hi Chris, what means "TMC made" and how do I know if I have oil cooler or not? Also, how can I find those plugs, 5 and 4?
  11. Thank you, I have updated my location! I will try to see if I can identify myself it it has undersealing. Or maybe someone from my area can recommend a garage that are dealing with import cars!
  12. How do you achieve this undersealing? Is it a sprayed layer or what is it?
  13. Thank you so much Chris! Very helpful!
  14. Hi, I am coming with this topic here as I am sure that I will find the help that I need. On my 2012 Vellfire, 2.4 petrol, I noticed that sometimes I get heat from it, sometimes I don't. If I request above 26-27 degrees, I will get some heat, but definitely it is not at the required level. I checked the coolant level and the tank was empty. I topped it up with a green coolant from Cosco, around 2.4 litres. Then I realised that it should have been the pink one. Now I want to flush it out and replace it with the correct type. Do you know where is the valve for flushing the coolant? Do you know what is the correct procedure for replacing the coolant on these cars? Has anyone did it by themselves? My garage is too busy for the next couple of weeks and I don't want to wait for that long! Many thanks!
  15. Flap actuator? Where is it? What is usually the solution ?
  16. What coolant are you using guys? The pink one? I might just used the green one, is this bad for the cooling system?
  17. I need to find those caps!
  18. I cannot find the radiator caps. Based on the fact the the coolant tank is higher than the radiator and the bubbles will get in the tank eventually, I tried the same thing and still cannot see any results until I raise the temperature above 28 celcius
  19. I did fit one identical to my 2012 vellfire couple of days back. Do you have a wiring diagram for you car?
  20. Hi Michael, what thread is this one? I have the same issue!
  21. Hi, I believe @Chris.ac might be able to help you with access to an online platform for this. Can you send a pic with the back of your pioneer?
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