The kill switch was, indeed, the source of my "Dead" Alphard. I unscrewed the green thumb wheel that creates the path to the negative terminal of the battery. There was a fine ring of corrosion around both the brass face of the contact and the shoulder of the green thumbwheel. A bit of emery sorted that. Screwed it back on , tightly, and all systems go. Problem sorted. It never ceases to amaze me that when a problem with a motor vehicle arises that you always seem to think that it's going to be a complicated solution involving a lot of money when, in reality, it usually proves to be a much simpler solution.
After solving this I remembered that I have had two similar incidents before with two volvos !! The incidents were years apart but when it happened the second time it was solved very quickly. In both instances the main earth strap from the engine block to the body shell broke through metal fatigue. The in-line engine constantly twisting on its mountings eventually broke the strap resulting in no lights on the dashboard.
Glad to get this sorted. Case closed