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  • Name: Beata
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Vellfire 350 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Glad you sorted this out Im going to recondition entire rear diff Problem is Toyota does not allow to repair ELECTRO MAGNETIC CONTROL element therefore does not display parts for it I've managed to reverse engineer and from Japanese forums All parts in total will cost me 250GBP imported this will rebuilt and replace all necessary elements total 15 to make rear diff as new cannot wait -- it is like lego so easy to drop it and remove from car and all work done on bench Yes the main front fails often and nobody is talking about it in UK -- but in Japan this is on the most common list to do. I hope you change side seals same time if not please monitor if you see any sweating dont wait normally OEM 90311-42046 and after 2014-on: 90311-42062 But im sure you know how to find correct part numbers All the best
  2. have you managed to replace bearing by any chance have you noted the bearing spec as 165GBP seems to be excessive and locally we should be able to source cheaper Regards, Beata
  3. i could not see specific manual for dumper replacement however there is toyota PDF how to work on this part and drop steering assembly to get access to dumber i will try to search for the guide
  4. they all gone sooner or later and if you have symptoms as described this would be the cheapest start point before you hit the expensive steering shaft/rods path good coffee or tea. 1hr good music cost about 20GBP parts but satisfaction is priceless
  5. if you like reading manual you can find here also for cvt 2.4 https://www.facebook.com/groups/815861953329959/permalink/817212163194938/
  6. the real deal is techdoc which im trying to make pdf as at the moment only exists as ripped db and work in vmware win 95 as need IE 5.5 dvd in English cost about 60 $ if you don't mind Russian than is free ive started releasing pdf section based on request and demand on my fb group https://www.facebook.com/groups/815861953329959
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